- MariaDB connector/j 1.5.9SAK-39324Resolved issue: SAK-39324David Horwitz
- CKEditor doesn't allow quotes in ALT TEXTSAK-39309Core Team
- Bypass isDropboxOwnerInCurrentUserGroups if user is maintainerSAK-38883Resolved issue: SAK-38883Earle Nietzel
- Error report due to boolean in site cache.SAK-38507Resolved issue: SAK-38507KERNEL TEAM
- MariaDB connector/j 2.0.2SAK-38455Resolved issue: SAK-38455David Horwitz
- List grader in Grade ReportSAK-38437Resolved issue: SAK-38437Earle Nietzel
- Change Tests & Quizzes "add to calendar" optionSAK-38306Core Team
- Checklist admin not responsiveSAK-38258Resolved issue: SAK-38258Anirudh Nagulapalli
- Lessons "Add Question": Can't enter zero grade for "non-participating" studentsSAK-38200Resolved issue: SAK-38200Charles Hedrick
- Checklist "Add new item" button does not inherit 'primary colour'SAK-38163Resolved issue: SAK-38163Anirudh Nagulapalli
- Shows release and hidden in index of pagesSAK-38162Resolved issue: SAK-38162Charles Hedrick
- Release dates recalculated when saved, if instructor and server in different time zonesSAK-38034Core Team
- Lessons: Accessibility - Incorrect heading structure on Lessons pagesSAK-38024Resolved issue: SAK-38024Core Team
- Lessons - Student Page Comment Feature Messes up the order of itemsSAK-37928Resolved issue: SAK-37928Core Team
- Embeded SCORM content not resizing correctlySAK-37922Jose Cebe
- Editing text creates a second copy of the text componentSAK-37869Resolved issue: SAK-37869Charles Hedrick
- Image too big in error message of checklist featureSAK-37867Resolved issue: SAK-37867Juan Arcadio Martinez Carceles
- Show poll / text displays overtop question textSAK-37815Resolved issue: SAK-37815Charles Hedrick
- BreadCrumb Lessons Label RevertsSAK-37807Core Team
- Sakai 11.2 and later Regression - Hiding top-level page via Lessons-Settings dialog is not reflected in Site Info Tool Order, and vice versaSAK-37802Core Team
- When Import Lessons-all hidden subpages are made availableSAK-37789Resolved issue: SAK-37789Core Team
- Lessons Sub-tools interface issuesSAK-37775Resolved issue: SAK-37775Core Team
- Page Resizing Issue in Morpheus when using 2 column setup with ChecklistSAK-37761Resolved issue: SAK-37761Jose Cebe
- Lessons: Accessibility - Collapsible sections cannot be opened with keyboardSAK-37749Shivangi Kumar
- Cannot add more than 2 new "graded" questionsSAK-37729Resolved issue: SAK-37729Earle Nietzel
- Page requirement completion checks for self-paced lesson sequencingSAK-37684Resolved issue: SAK-37684Charles Hedrick
- Lessons-Can't embed/display Word documentsSAK-37653Resolved issue: SAK-37653Core Team
- Lessons edit controls on top of each otherSAK-37652Nick Wilson
- Sakai generated file names like foo.css-1 but doesn't show them in the custom stylesheet dropdownSAK-37560Resolved issue: SAK-37560Core Team
- Hardcoded text in checklist feature need to be i18edSAK-37557Resolved issue: SAK-37557Charles Hedrick
- accessibility: Title header for Lessons checklist has too small font sizeSAK-37554Resolved issue: SAK-37554Kendra Edwards
- When a file or URL is changed, item links to old valueSAK-37550Resolved issue: SAK-37550Core Team
- Lessons: Upload New Version of default.css does not overwrite previousSAK-37525Core Team
- Student View: Return to Assessment List link is not aligned & highlight colorsSAK-37347Resolved issue: SAK-37347Francisco Saez
- Disable show feedback link during previewSAK-37153Resolved issue: SAK-37153Matthew Jones
- Display Question Pool Name with Unicode is not wellSAK-37044Resolved issue: SAK-37044SAMIGO TEAM
- Switching Multiple Choice Mult Selection from/to Right Less Wrong resets correct answersSAK-37016Resolved issue: SAK-37016SAMIGO TEAM
- Assessment published in the past has "Active" status when it shouldn´tSAK-36985Resolved issue: SAK-36985Alejandro González Jiménez
- Auto submit should use late submit if available, otherwise due dateSAK-36971Resolved issue: SAK-36971Curtis Van Osch
- JS Error when you enter "Event Log"SAK-36966Resolved issue: SAK-36966Eduardo Rey Jara
- Individual user-level comments aren't sync'd to the GradebookSAK-36929Resolved issue: SAK-36929Brian J.
- Reset Selection Wipes ImageMap / HotSpot AnswersSAK-36898Resolved issue: SAK-36898Christina Schwiebert
- User Activity Report circumvents anonymous gradingSAK-36880Resolved issue: SAK-36880Brian J.
- Exceptions settings don't fit in the test settings - see screenshotSAK-36835Resolved issue: SAK-36835SAMIGO TEAM
- Changing option in multiple choice multiple correct question type unchecks correct answer boxesSAK-36825Resolved issue: SAK-36825Jose Cebe
- isAssignmentDefined should not throw an exceptionSAK-36796Resolved issue: SAK-36796Sam Ottenhoff
- Multiple choice multiple correct giving 0 pointsSAK-36785Resolved issue: SAK-36785Kenneth Aragon
- Long multiple choice question has bad wrappingSAK-36750Resolved issue: SAK-36750SAMIGO TEAM
- Total Scores > Questions Tab > Restore the "Responses" headingSAK-36723Resolved issue: SAK-36723Brian J.
- Regression: SAM-2904 was partially reverted in 11.xSAK-36690Resolved issue: SAK-36690Brian J.
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