- Single quotes in Comments generate Server 500 errorsGRBK-912Resolved issue: GRBK-912
- is there a limit to how many items can be imported in spreadsheet and odd appearance of 2 imported itemsGRBK-911
- Allow a change to the higher A+ range (100+) in GB2's grade scale. At the moment the A+ box will not let me enter a value greater than 100. We give up to 8pts extra credit in our course and we usually only give an A+ for grades above 103%.GRBK-907
- cannot import an unmodified Scantron rescore file (initial Scantron output file has scores in column named 'score', Scantron re-score output file has the scores in a column named 'test')GRBK-905Resolved issue: GRBK-905
- Convert file download to post/putGRBK-902Resolved issue: GRBK-902
- Convert Gradebook2ComponentService.getRoster to accept a list of sections via List<String>GRBK-901Resolved issue: GRBK-901
- GWT Upgrade has caused cells to be uneditable after hitting enterGRBK-900Resolved issue: GRBK-900
- Add ability for TA's to enter Incomplete or No Work Submitted in Grade overrideGRBK-898
- Add some scaling options to the statistics histograms - too course nowGRBK-897Resolved issue: GRBK-897
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