- Problem with photosCLOG-235Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- CLOG: Problem with photosCLOG-234Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- CLOG: Uncaught ReferenceError: profile is not definedCLOG-233Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- CLOG is not workingCLOG-232Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- CLOG JDK 17CLOG-231Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Clog error when compiling on Sakai 25CLOG-230Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- compilation failure with Sakai 22.4+CLOG-229Adrian Fish
- publish button doesn't do anything after "saving as draft"CLOG-228Adrian Fish
- JS error after commenting on a post and ckeditor unexpectedly tries to load autosaved contentCLOG-227Adrian Fish
- getPost: Unable to find post with idCLOG-226
- ORA-01400: no se puede realizar una inserción NULL en ("SAKAI_PR"."CLOG_COMMENT"."CONTENT")CLOG-225Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Does not save draft configurationCLOG-224Eduardo Rey Jara
- Spanish translation is missing: Only tutors and the post's owner can see this postCLOG-223Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Clog - restored clog post's 'who can see post' option is unsetCLOG-222Adrian Fish
- CLOG: Some spanish strings are missing on properties filesCLOG-221Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Change Log4j for Slf4j loggerCLOG-220Fernando Alvarez
- JS error clogRecycledPosts is not definedCLOG-219Adrian Fish
- Error ORA in CLOGCLOG-218Resolved issue: CLOG-218Victor Gomollon Martos
- Bump master version to 22-SNAPSHOTCLOG-217Adrian Fish
- CLOG: Better style for Author tabCLOG-216Resolved issue: CLOG-216Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Fix loading of translations. Move to ES6 module method used by RosterCLOG-214Adrian Fish
- Viewable default option on new postsCLOG-212Adrian Fish
- Clog notifications don't respect user notification preferencesCLOG-211Resolved issue: CLOG-211Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Site.upd should be the permission requested for Clog permissions pageCLOG-210Resolved issue: CLOG-210Daniel Merino
- 'Only tutors and the post's owner can see this post' option is not retained when re-editingCLOG-205Adrian Fish
- Instructors cannot see posts with 'Only Instructors and Teaching Assistants can see this post' settingCLOG-204Adrian Fish
- Move CLOG to use i18n properties webservice, instead of jquery propertiesCLOG-203Resolved issue: CLOG-203Adrian Fish
- Clog tool does not load for users who do not have a language preferenceCLOG-202Adrian Fish
- NPE from searchCLOG-201Adrian Fish
- Empty, or partially populated pages at certain times.CLOG-200Resolved issue: CLOG-200Adrian Fish
- CKEditor not loading when creating a postCLOG-197Adrian Fish
- Clog will not load if user's name includes apostropheCLOG-195Resolved issue: CLOG-195Adrian Fish
- Clog email notification's post link opens a blank clog pageCLOG-191Adrian Fish
- Create 12 branch, upgrade master to 13 for ClogCLOG-161Resolved issue: CLOG-161Matthew Jones
- Allow teacher to set "blog privacy settings"CLOG-160Adrian Fish
- Rename tutor to teaching assistant in clogCLOG-159Resolved issue: CLOG-159Matthew Jones
- Clean up CLOG's UI. Make it more aligned with 12's look and feel.CLOG-158Resolved issue: CLOG-158Adrian Fish
- Move CLOG to use new profile poupsCLOG-157Adrian Fish
- Author / only shows 10 authors with no option to navigate to next page of authorsCLOG-156Resolved issue: CLOG-156Adrian Fish
- Javascript Error when clicking in "Groups" tabCLOG-155Resolved issue: CLOG-155Alejandro González Jiménez
- Edit Comments not workingCLOG-154Resolved issue: CLOG-154Adrian Fish
- The clog permissions page checks site.upd instead of realm.updCLOG-153Resolved issue: CLOG-153Juan Arcadio Martinez Carceles
- Import from BlogWow FailsCLOG-152Resolved issue: CLOG-152Adrian Fish
- Allow Comments not workingCLOG-151Adrian Fish
- Preference Tab is mssingCLOG-150Adrian Fish
- View authors displays the logged in user profile rather than author's profileCLOG-149Adrian Fish
- Permission names are togetherCLOG-148Adrian Fish
- JavaScript errors related on autosave featureCLOG-147Adrian Fish
- Publishing a draft don't send e-mail notificationsCLOG-146Adrian Fish
- Posts sometimes not getting publishedCLOG-145Adrian Fish
50 of 186
Problem with photos
Profile photos or capital letter should be shown instead of thumb