- Question image path not updated in Calculated Questions when publishing a random draw assessment from a question poolSAK-36604Resolved issue: SAK-36604Core Team
- Importing exported assessment containing hyperlink to resources causes exceptionSAK-36480Resolved issue: SAK-36480SAMIGO TEAM
- Samigo Import Images Using IMS QTISAK-36411Resolved issue: SAK-36411SAMIGO TEAM
- EMI Questions. Answer items attachments lost when copying from one Question Pool to another.SAK-34462Resolved issue: SAK-34462Earle Nietzel
- Students unable to see linked public images in another site on published assessment and images don't exist in siteSAK-34440Resolved issue: SAK-34440Matthew Jones
- EMI Questions. Attachments missing (for the answer items) in random draw from question poolSAK-34341Resolved issue: SAK-34341Earle Nietzel
- "Import From Site" doesn't update image URLs for Samigo question-level feedbackSAK-34281SAMIGO TEAM
- samigo: Accessibility, Delivery: Screen reader instructions needed to download question file attachmentsSAK-34278Core Team
- Improvement: Adding Content Above/Below in LessonsSAK-31572
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