- Lessons: Checklist contrast problems in dark mode with legacy colorsSAK-50727Core Team
- Lessons: Legacy colors highlight problem in dark modeSAK-50726Core Team
- Delegated Access: Editing page does not follow dark modeSAK-50721
- External Tools form in dark mode has text areas that have a white backgroundSAK-50671Resolved issue: SAK-50671Sharadhi Raghuraj
- GB: Dark mode to edit or add a comment is not working properlySAK-50653Resolved issue: SAK-50653kunaljaykam
- Polls: Polls table do not follow dark modeSAK-50619Resolved issue: SAK-50619Sam Ottenhoff
- LTI: Add external tool form isn't using dark mode for text areas when in dark modeSAK-50549Resolved issue: SAK-50549Matthew Jones
- Profile: Personal summary text box does not follow dark modeSAK-50388Resolved issue: SAK-50388
- Resources: Upload file animation does not follow dark mode themeSAK-50387Resolved issue: SAK-50387
- Discussions: Create discussion page does not follow dark modeSAK-50386Resolved issue: SAK-50386
- Site info: Create group section does not follow dark mode themeSAK-50385Resolved issue: SAK-50385Core Team
- Chatroom: Main chat room page does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-50250Resolved issue: SAK-50250
- Site Info: Auto Groups Select Rosters does not follow dark modeSAK-50249Resolved issue: SAK-50249Core Team
- Assignments: Page area where grades and points are set is not visibleSAK-50248Resolved issue: SAK-50248
- Lessons: Starter page is not readable on dark modeSAK-50247Resolved issue: SAK-50247Core Team
- Dark Mode: Multiple tables in multiple tools do not follow dark modeSAK-50246Resolved issue: SAK-50246
- Admin User Management: every other line is unreadableSAK-50240Resolved issue: SAK-50240kunaljaykam
- Discussion and Rubrics: Comment box in rubric does not follow dark modeSAK-50213
- Rubric Criteria Summary accordians don't follow dark themeSAK-50166Resolved issue: SAK-50166Sam Ottenhoff
- Test and Quizzes: Page to add markup does not follow dark mode themeSAK-50146Resolved issue: SAK-50146Core Team
- Test and Quizzes: Dark mode timer isn’t clearly visibleSAK-50127Resolved issue: SAK-50127Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Gradebook: Bonus point items in Dark Mode are unreadable when the "saved" color is presentSAK-50033Resolved issue: SAK-50033
- Gateway: External App integrations page does not follow dark modeSAK-50005
- Multiple tools always displayed in Dark Mode, regardless of settingsSAK-49973Resolved issue: SAK-49973Core Team
- Home: Profile, Dashboard defaulting to Dark Theme, regardless of user settingSAK-49967Resolved issue: SAK-49967
- Tasks: dark mode displaying white background with black textSAK-49911Adrian Fish
- Lessons: Page layout checklists include custom CSSSAK-49896Resolved issue: SAK-49896Matthew Jones
- Signups: Action buttons (check all / clear all) buttons do not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49884Resolved issue: SAK-49884Sam Ottenhoff
- Rubrics: Editing item dialogue does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49883Resolved issue: SAK-49883
- Wiki: Search results do not follow dark mode.SAK-49881Resolved issue: SAK-49881Matthew Jones
- Dropbox: Upload files to multiple drop boxes' page does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49880Resolved issue: SAK-49880Sam Ottenhoff
- Drop Box: Web address on folder details does not follow dark mode themeSAK-49879
- Drop box: Create text document features does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49878
- Dropbox: The header of copyright dialog box is not readable on dark mode.SAK-49877
- Drop Box: Add web link description does not follow the dark mode theme.SAK-49874
- Discussions: Short description does not follow dark mode.SAK-49873Resolved issue: SAK-49873
- Gradebook: Text input on gradebook does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49871
- Assignments: Ckeditor text boxes stop following dark more theme after submission is graded or ‘done’ is clickedSAK-49870Core Team
- Assignments: Correct the format of Similarity Reports in the GraderSAK-49863Resolved issue: SAK-49863Manu Fuster
- Test and quizzes: Next and previous buttons on test list does not follow dark modeSAK-49849Resolved issue: SAK-49849kunaljaykam
- Gradebook: Extra credit warning is not readable in dark mode.SAK-49784Resolved issue: SAK-49784Matthew Jones
- Assignment/CKeditor: Text input on grading feature is unreadable AFTER entering on dark mode.SAK-49769
- Gradebook: Ckeditor is pre-filled with text ‘predefined’SAK-49751Core Team
- Gradebook: Ckeditor does not follow dark mode themeSAK-49750Core Team
- Gradebook: Create gradebook item modal does not follow dark mode themeSAK-49749Resolved issue: SAK-49749
- Lessons: Links have poor contrast in dark mode when using legacy colorsSAK-49723Core Team
- Overview: Some text not clear on darkmode in ‘manage overview’SAK-49684Resolved issue: SAK-49684kunaljaykam
- Resolve Dark Mode Display Issue in Gateway IframesSAK-49621Resolved issue: SAK-49621kunaljaykam
- Announcements: Dark mode contrast is unacceptable when selecting roles who can view an AnnouncementSAK-49616Core Team
- Move / Copy etc buttons incorrectly rendered in LIGHT modeSAK-49566Resolved issue: SAK-49566Sam Ottenhoff
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