- AntiSamy whitelist cdn.knightlab.comSAK-39787Resolved issue: SAK-39787KERNEL TEAM
- Clean up some tags in antisamy xmlSAK-39783Resolved issue: SAK-39783Matthew Jones
- Allow role=math attribute for img tag for WIRIS formulasSAK-39760Resolved issue: SAK-39760Matthew Jones
- Support HTML5 data-* attributesSAK-39668Resolved issue: SAK-39668
- Support aria attributes in antisamySAK-39532Resolved issue: SAK-39532
- Make content low security the default and make the sites for high configurable easierSAK-39509Earle Nietzel
- Support HTML5 <track> tag in AntisamySAK-39442Resolved issue: SAK-39442Matthew Jones
- Set default antisamy behavior to encode instead of removeSAK-39425
- Allow and embedsSAK-39371Resolved issue: SAK-39371Sam Ottenhoff
- CKEditor doesn't allow quotes in ALT TEXTSAK-39309Core Team
- AntiSamy allow h5p.orgSAK-39131Resolved issue: SAK-39131Sam Ottenhoff
- Page anchor links get added target="_blank"SAK-39094Resolved issue: SAK-39094
- AntiSamy striping moderatley complex alt propertiesSAK-39089Resolved issue: SAK-39089
- AntiSamy allow Kaltura and Sharestream LTI attributesSAK-39053Resolved issue: SAK-39053Sam Ottenhoff
- Allow and embeds in AntiSamy policySAK-38984Resolved issue: SAK-38984KERNEL TEAM
- Update maxInput limit in antisamy to 1M from 100KSAK-38722Resolved issue: SAK-38722Matthew Jones
- CKeditor image button allows caption that is filtered by AntiSamySAK-38699Resolved issue: SAK-38699Sam Ottenhoff
- AntiSamy allow Soundcloud urlsSAK-38554Resolved issue: SAK-38554Nick Wilson
- Update antisamy to latest version (1.5.7)SAK-38446Resolved issue: SAK-38446Matthew Jones
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