BasicLTI-Assignments-GB: When regrading the LTI assignment (already released to the student) there is unexpected behavior

Andrea Schmidt October 21, 2023 at 3:58 PM
There are now new issues on 21x when using unlimited resubmissions. The instructor is unable to even grade the first submission:

Andrea Schmidt March 23, 2022 at 11:08 PM
this is failing on 21x:, build: c213b14d
With unlimited resubmissions, the student is not able to resubmit. Uploading a video

Andrea Schmidt March 7, 2022 at 11:54 PM
Verified this is working on 22x:, build: 8947e9b0
Emailed Dr. Chuck with a question about the assignment history displayed to the student

Andrea Schmidt February 13, 2022 at 2:45 AM
Verified on 23x:, build: 3dbf8a22
Updated the test plan. The grading part is working well now, if the student resubmits, the old grade is gone and the new grade is not set to automatically release. There is a question of when the student should see “Pending Resubmission” if the instructor did not check the box to allow a resubmission. Depending on what I hear back, this may need a new Jira or the behavior needs to be noted in help/test files.

Automation for Jira December 11, 2021 at 4:18 PM
A pull request has been created, "SAK-46548 - Uncheck submitted when new LTI grade shows up", you can see it at
Since this deals with the assignment using an external tool, and grading is done through the external tool, I'm not sure what the expected behavior would be in this case. - maybe you could add your thoughts on expectations in this case?
The assignment used the sticky grader. The instructor graded the student's submission using the left pane of the grader, assigning a grade and adding a comment. The instructor clicked Return to List and then clicked Release Grades. There is now a checkmark under the Released column.
At this point, the grade and comment are sent to the gradebook, and returned to the student. At this point, everything is fine.
The instructor decides to regrade the student and modifies the score and comment in the left pane for the student, then clicks Return to List. Since the external tool has no control over the the release status, it still shows as released, along with the updated score.
Clicking on the gradebook, neither the score or comment shows as updated.
The student's view shows the assignment as returned and when opening the assignment, it has the updated score and comment, it has the history of the first grade and the regrading, and it shows as "resubmitted" and returned.
A regular (non-lti assignment) behaves differently:
When grading, the instructor has to save or save & release - I clicked save to try to mimic what I did with the lti tool
The instructor returns to list and releases the grade - it is in the GB and the student sees the returned assignment & grade
The instructor regrades and clicks save - to try to mimic the external tool but here is where things go in a different direction
The instructor returns to list and the score is updated, but no longer shows as released (something the lti tool does not/cannot do)
Instructor releases grades, so the GB is updated, the student's view is updated (only 1 grade in the returned assignment and it does not show as resubmitted)
I will add a partial test plan which will need to be modified after it is determined how this should work when an LTI tool is involved. Possibly this will not be an issue if is fixed and the grader can be used for some of the grading.