Blocked sections should not be available in Student Memberships

Shawn Foster November 17, 2020 at 7:44 AM
Thanks, !

Daniel Merino November 17, 2020 at 4:11 AM
Sorry, I forgot to add the versions. Yes, it is affecting to the three versions where has been applied.

Shawn Foster November 16, 2020 at 1:35 PM
, which versions of Sakai does this affect? Was it tested on the most recent versions?
In SAK-44532 a bug throwing an stacktrace was fixed. The issue happened when somebody added one student to a blocked section in "Student Memberships" tab.
The fix just captured the stacktrace, but the link is still active and when some user clicks on it nothing happens: no error is displayed to user, so he can think that he has added the user to the blocked section, though it has not been added.
As it happens in the main tab of Sections, when a section is blocked by a group assignment the link for adding new users should not be displayed in "Student Memberships".