- Import fails with NPE if text value contains <. (escaped less-than character)EVALPORT-9Jim Eng
- Newly imported eval has state=Partial in 0.2.x branchEVALPORT-8Jim Eng
- "Instructor Name Unavailable" displayed in evaluations if instructor has never logged inEVALPORT-7Jim Eng
- Change how End-Date changes are reported and/or handledEVALPORT-6Jim Eng
- Need branch of evalport compatible with trunk of evaluationEVALPORT-5Jim Eng
- Local map from EID to ID must expireEVALPORT-4Jim Eng
- evalport c05 is failing testsEVALPORT-3Jim Eng
- Cannot update endDate, viewDate, etc for evaluations after uploadEVALPORT-2Resolved issue: EVALPORT-2Jim Eng
- Count of items remaining in queue is incorrect in message about item being added to queueEVALPORT-1Resolved issue: EVALPORT-1Jim Eng
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Import fails with NPE if text value contains <. (escaped less-than character). This occurred when a new eval-item definition contained an escaped less-than character (<.) in the itemText field. XStream converts the escaped sequence into an actual less-than character, and the NullPointer occurs when cleaning the string of markup.