Edia Player Integration

The first step is to decide which SCORM player to use. It seems there are 4 current options, viz.:

1. The UC Davis player as updated by Edia

2. The icodeon player with the rsmart integration

3. The SCORMCloud player

4. The CRIM SCORM Player (based off of the UC Davis one)

icodeon involves a license fee, not sure about SCORMCloud. The UCDavis/Edia version is free, and also has more built-in tracking/reporting capabilities than the icodeon player in Sakai. I don't know much about the SCORMCloud player.

For our 2-6-x Sakai installation, we have this in our .externals file:

edia-scorm https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/edia/scorm/branches/2.5.3/

with these patches to update it for 2-6-x build:


Hopefully Edia or someone will soon package this up into a nice clean 2-6-x branch (smile)

It would also be great if anyone had time to update the Confluence pages on SCORM as they're a little out of date wrt the current options.