Official Slide Template

Official Slide Template

Attached to this page is the 2010 Sakai Denver Conference official slide template.
Presenters are encouraged to use it, but it is not a requirement.

Intellectual Property

Since the philosophy behind Sakai is openness, you are strongly encouraged to license your content as Creative Commons. Make sure to display your license on your first slide. Simply copy one of the images displayed below.

Some of the most common licenses to choose from...

Recommended License

Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike

Other Licenses


Attribution Non-Commercial

Attribution No Derivatives

Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

Attribution Share Alike

Make sure to display your license on your first slide!

Sharing your Slides

There is an event that has been created on Slideshare. It would be awesome if everyone could upload their slides there and share them on the Sakai Denver 2010 event page. don't forget to tag them with "Sakai10" at least.