Google Integration

If you're thinking about ways in which Google applications could be integrated with Sakai you can put your requirements/ideas here. If you need more space to describe your integration needs feel free to insert a paragraph below the table.



Current Google apps

Future Google Apps

Integration Needs

Former user (Deleted)

Sakai Foundation



create a google doc for a Sakai site/section/group

Former user (Deleted)

Georgia Institute of Technology

Docs, calendar, Code


Collaborate on a CS project with google code repository

Former user (Deleted)

University of Cambridge

none officially

Docs, Calendar, Gadgets, API's

Investigating Data API integration, embedding Gadgets both in Google and in Sakai using Shindig Gadget Server and building Gadgets with the Google Mashup Editor

Nilton Lessa

Moleque de IDéias

Docs, Calendar, Gtalk


Create a doc from a Sakai site/section/group, integrate calendar in a course/project site

Former user (Deleted)

Oregon Health & Science University


gTalk, gCalendar,

integration of apps into group awareness, but may also look at a broader application to student users, not sure

Former user (Deleted)


None officially, though Docs is getting used, as well as Calendar


Not sure if this falls under needs or interest: Create a Google Doc (Document or Spreadsheet, possible Presentation) for a Sakai site/section/group to be used for collaborative editing. Question--what Sakai permission would determine if a user is Viewer or Collaborator?

Former user (Deleted)

Marist College/IBM



YouTube mashup for access to video lectures published thru Sakai using SCORM/IMS tagging with usage/access monitoring and stats

Former user (Deleted)

Psybergate Cape Town and North West Univ RSA

Google Gears, Google Web Toolkit


Offline functionality for low bandwidh connections. Implementing Ajax to enrich the user interface

Former user (Deleted)

University of Cambridge

General use of Google Apps (esp Docs and Calendar) 'support' for Google gadgets in Sakai from July, piloting of Google Apps for Education

interest in developments in Group support

interest in incorporating Google Docs in Sakai workflows and closer Calendar integration

Former user (Deleted)

Arizona State University

Docs, Calendar, Sites, gTalk...


  • Groups: Sakai site membership to drive google group membership
  • Google doc or Sites page as a Sakai site pages: Give an instructor the ability to author site pages using the google docs and/or google sites wysiwyg in a similar way as our new Simple page tool works. Ideally we would also add plugins to the google editors to allow linking to Sakai entities.
  • Spread sheets: Replace or add to all 'export as spread sheet' functionalities in Sakai to have export as google spread sheet.
  • Calendar: Improved calendar integration.
  • Google the LMS: Deeply embed Sakai tools such as assessment tools, assignments tools and gradebook into google Sites and/or google Groups and let google be the LMS.
  • Google docs content type: the obvious that most have already mentioned, the ability for users to collaborate on google docs, possibly listed as a content type within Resources, with an easy way to add course/site members as collaborators on the doc.
  • In general we would really like to see google integrate google groups support into all of the main apps (docs, sites, etc...) and open up a way to populate a google group, either push via gdata typy api or pull.

Former user (Deleted)

CampusEAI Consortium

none officially - investigating SSO & Google Apps

Apps, Youtube, Opensocial

  • SSO & Provisioning integration
    * Docs for collaborative editing
    * Youtube/Picasa media integration
    * Sites for instructor content authoring

Former user (Deleted)

UC Davis


GWT, GData, Analytics

Looking at new UI for Gradebook including graphing of data

Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University

none officially but there is a high level of informal use in many departments

Docs, as a starting point

Possible use cases:

A student is working either alone or collaboratively with other students on a group project/assignment.   Rather than try and share (for example) a single Word document, the students work collaboratively and in real time using a Google doc.  When the document is finished, the instructor can then grade/enter their comments directly into the document and without leaving the Sakai environment  (i.e., instructor doesn't have to download the document, make comments, then re-upload).  

A group of researchers (either internal or external to the university, or a combination of both) want to work collaboratively on a document using other tools available in an Sakai project site.  However, like the first use case above, the researchers want to avoid the often messy results (i.e. multi-colored revisions marks) of working with a single document.  Utilizing a Google doc, they can work collaboratively and in real-time so that updates/revisions are instantly viewable by all participants. 

A user could easily embed Google widgets into a site's Home page, and, if possible, in any entry where the Sakai WYSIWYG editor is used.

Sakai widgets are created to embed in iGoogle and other Google apps.

Former user (Deleted)

Rutgers University

nothing officially yet

Google Docs/Spreadsheets/Presentations, Google Search, for starters. Probably interested in more if other things get integrated, though for now this is all we've had specific requests for

  • ability to collaborate on a doc/spreadsheet within a worksite
    • created docs shared by everyone in worksite without further authentication
    • ability to restrict access to docs to only certain Groups/Sections
  • search engine within a worksite
    • search all resources, modules, etc, within that site
    • maybe an additional search within My Workspace that searches all the sites the user has access to?

Former user (Deleted)

Rhode Island Network for Educational Technology

Some local district use of Apps and Mail, no integration

Apps and Mail

  • Authentication, single sign on
  • Group awareness, teacher defined groups in Sakai passed to Google Apps
  • So many great ideas listed above!

Former user (Deleted)

UC Berkeley


Google Apps Education Edition, etc.

Authz integration through LMS groups and roles (side-aspect of Sakai 3 groups and roles project; task from Internet2 ID Services Summit)

Former user (Deleted)


Google Docs, Calendar


Providing read-only access to Google data as a first step to integration through ContentHosting and Calendar. See Read-Only Google Documents Integration

Former user (Deleted)


Docs, Calendar, Reader


Ideas: Integrating OpenSocial gadgets (Shindig...). And also investigating, as an extension, creating specific "Social-Sakai" Gadget, as Google Wave does (what is a google wave gadget) , allowing a gadget to interact more closely with the system (Sakai), and in certain way... with each others.