Library & Sakai 3 Web Meeting-Nov 2009

19 Nov 2009, 11:30am - 1pm EST, Sakai002 Conference Bridge (+1-812-856-7060/, Code: 350#, PIN: 72524#)

Where We Are

  • Since our last meeting, a number of institutions have completed user interviews.
  • Some institutions are still interviewing and many institutions are getting ready to share their interview notes and set up debriefing sessions with the Data Analysis Group.

Meeting Goals

  • Learn about the interviews that have been conducted
  • Ensure everyone understands how to share their notes and set up debriefing sessions
  • Update our project schedule


  1. Introductions
  2. "Around the room" updates of where institutions are in their process of interviewing users. Each institution will have 5 minutes to share the following -
    1. If you have conducted interviews, please share (you may use the table below to enter information):
      1. How many you have completed
      2. Brief profiles of each interviewee
      3. Reflection on the interview - parts of the interview that worked very well, particularly enlightening information, parts of the interview that could be improved, any information you think may be missing, etc.
      4. If you have any more interviews planned and when you think you may be able to complete them by
    2. If you are embarking on interviews, please share:
      1. Anything in particular that you may need assistance with
      2. How many you have planned and when you think you may be able to complete them by
  3. Share updated home page with relevant content for interviewers to quickly get to the information they need
    1. Updated project timeline
    2. Sharing notes
    3. Setting up debriefing sessions

Interviewee Update Table


Interviewee @ Institution

Interviewee Profile

Interview reflections: What went well, Enlightening information, What could be improved, Missing information, Other reflections



2nd-year Mechanical Engineering PhD candidate and Graduate Student Instructor for a senior-level lab that heavily uses ISI Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar for full-text journal articles for personal reference and potential student reference as well as YouTube to demonstrate possible applications of certain devices.

Very committed to teaching - gives a short survey on his teaching at each lab; almost always uses the same resources: ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, YouTube; looks only for full-text; tries to remember what others have shared with him to find good videos



1st-year Assistant Kinesiology Professor for a small graduate-level course that heavily uses medical databases (i.e. PubMed) for full-text journal articles to create lecture notes and slides as well as assign to students for reading

Struggles with the organizational importance given to research over teaching - he enjoys working with students and seeing them grow; tends to think about scholarly resources as separate from other resources he regularly uses and even recommends (Wikipedia, Google); almost always starts with the same resources: PubMed, MD Consult - looking for specific content to match his course outline; may follow references of interesting papers on a trail; looks only for full-text; uses a "scratch pad" text editor to hold findings and come back to them when creating PPT slides



Upcoming (11/23): Assistant Professor in Education




Upcoming (11/20): Academic Services Manager in Mechanical Engineering that helps set up courses (Staff Assistant)




Humanities faculty, at IU for 5 years; 3 ugrad & 1 grad course per year. Courses range from 200-person lectures to small graduate seminars.

Dept maintains folder on a share drive w/2000+ PDFs of articles which profs draw from. He puts articles in e-res system as well as in Sakai to reduce student problems. Articles must look like the original doc. Students don't understand citation and he has mostly given up on this. Doesn't understand or use "My Workspace". Thinks Sakai should be a rich homepage for academic work supporting intellectual innovation but that it fails at this. Needs to give users more control (e.g., create own sites) and have a more appealing design aesthetic.



Non-tenure-track lecturer teaching clothing and fashion-related courses, 9+ credits/semester, all undergrad. Has been at IU for 2.5 years. Courses range from large lecture to small studio.

Will supplement text with articles (typically magazine) that she uploads to a miscellaneous folder in Sakai resources for the course. Pasted a URL to an article in a PPT slide to show in class and then later upload slideset to Sakai. Student research projects are greatly helped by a librarian-created class-page in Sakai which provides search guidance for each assignment.

Meeting Notes

In attendance



Keli Amann

Stanford University

Helen Josephine


Kalee Sprague

Yale University

Jean-Yves Cote

HEC Montreal

Val Moulé

US Naval Postgraduate School

Jeff Rothal

US Naval Postgraduate School

Carrie Donovan

Indiana University

Mark Notess

Indiana University

Steve Smail

Indiana University

Debra Kolah

Rice University

Daphne Ogle

UC Berkeley

Susan Hollar

University of Michigan

Gaurav Bhatnagar

University of Michigan

Natalia Fisher

University of Michigan

Taeho Ko

University of Michigan

Apologies if I've missed anyone or misspelled any names! Please feel free to add yourself or edit your name (or send me a message if you do not have a wiki account)!


Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to the meeting! We heard updates from nine institutions, covering 16 completed, diverse user interviews and a few more that are planned. With an email update from Mount Holyoke, we have a total of 19 interviews complete, surpassing our goal of 18.

An interesting issue raised by a number institutions was dealing with copyright issues. Many faculty are unable to keep in line with proper copyright regulations in copying, distributing and storing their resources because:

  • they do not understand the regulations
  • it is far easier and more convenient to save/scan, store and share personal copies
  • there may be more...

The updated home page provides more accurate information about the project, a more fun and interactive display of institutions involved and Quick Links to resources relevant to interviewers and those new to the project.

We discussed an updated timeline for user interviewing: interviews will continue until 11 December and debriefing sessions with the data analysis group will continue until 23 December.

Next steps:

  • Those that have completed interviews but not added them to the Interviewee Summary should do so by completing the Interviewee Information Form
  • Institutions that have interviews planned will aim to complete them by 11 December.
  • Interview notes will be compiled and uploaded debriefing sessions with the data anaylsis group will be set up (information on how to do this is available in the Interview Protocol).

Our next meeting will be 17 December. This meeting will be used primarily to share themes emerging from analyzing interview notes.