Programmatic Assessment Using Goal-Aware Activities in Sakai

Programmatic Assessment Using Goal-Aware Activities in Sakai

Speaker(s): Daniel Tyger, Saginaw Valley State University; Noah Bottimer, University of Michigan

Session Abstract

Based on pre-established goal sets & rating scales created by a department or program, students' benchmark activities are submitted via Sakai course sites & rated by instructors across a program's many sections. Data and artifacts are easily collected and tracked, providing flexible reporting opportunities.

Presentation Materials

  • All presentation materials are available here, as shown in Newport Beach on December 6, 2007. Please see the Attachments tab above.


  • Session leaders are encouraged to post their podcasts on the main Newport Beach Podcasts page (a central repository of podcasts) and may also choose to link to them from their session page. See the main Newport Beach conference wiki page for more details.
  • podcast audio file

Additional Information

  • Session leaders are also encouraged to appoint a note-taker and post the minutes of their session on a Page (see Add Page link near top-right.)
  • Participants and Session Leaders are encouraged to post Comments (see Comment form below) or create additional Pages as needed to facilitate collaboration (see Add Page link near top-right.)
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