1. Main Screen Templates
Review of the main types of screens. This is a review of the concept the screen more than the content of the screen. The content of the screens are being discussed in the pages 2 - 7.
1. Gateway Dashboard Screen
1. General branding and content
This is already implemented. We do need to find a way that makes this easily adaptable through a configuration file
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Make branding and content easily configurable |
8 hours |
Technical |
Make real pages also internationalizable |
16 hours |
Total: 24 hours |
2. Create an account
Allows you to create a new account. How is this handled inside different institutions?
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Design |
Make screen that allows you to create an account |
5 hours |
Technical |
Implement screen |
8 hours |
Total: 13 hours |
3. Need help
Brings up the help pages, zoomed into the requested area. This needs more investigation
on how different institutions handle help and support pages right now. We might drop this
for now.
4. Login form
Main login. Has been implemented.
5. Forgot your username or password
Allows you to retrieve your password if you have forgotten it. This isn't available in
current Sakai and is probably highly institution dependant. Needs more investigation.
Will be dropped for now.
6. Footer
General footer that needs to be highly customizable for each institution.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Make footer highly customizable |
4 hours |
Total: 4 hours |
2. Dashboard Screen
The idea is that a personal dashboard has got the institution branding, as sites can
have their own branding.
1. My Dashboard header
Header for your dashboard page. Probably should be customizable for each institution.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Make it customizable |
8 hours |
Total: 8 hours |
2. Username
Shows first name and last name in stead of user login
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Implement |
10 min |
Total: 10 min |
3. Preferences
Preferences itself is a link which links to main Preferences page. The icon next to it
is a dropdown menu which allows you to deep link into the Preferences pages (into a certain
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Design |
Rename to My Preferences and make screen + HTML for dropdown |
3 hours |
Technical |
Implement |
1 hour |
Total: 4 hours |
4. Help
Brings up the main Sakai help pages.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Implement |
10 min |
Total: 10 min |
5-6-7. DashBoard widgets
5 and 6 have already been fully designed, 7 is just a placeholder. Whether a widget
is a DashBoard widget or a Site widget can be configured, as can the default dashboard
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Design |
Have a look at possible useful new widgets and review MyCamTools widgets |
9 hours |
Technical |
Make a widget dashboard only/site only |
1 hour |
Total: 10 hours |
8. Add Widgets + Edit Look & Feel
Buttons that will make it possible to change your personal dashboard. More info later.
3. Site Home Page Screen
1. Back to My Dashboard
Allows you to go back to your personal dashboard.
2. Preferences
Same as 2.3. We'd like to be here as a concept. For now it will only allow you to
change your preferences sakai-wide, but in the future you might be able to set your
preferences for a specific site.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Design |
Preferences page needs note that changes are global |
15 min |
Total: 15 min |
Note: Implemented by renaming Preferences to My Preferences
3. Site Settings
The link itself takes you to the Site Settings main page. The dropdown next to it
allows you to deep link into a section of the Site Settings page.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Design |
Design dropdown + HTML |
1 hour |
Technical |
Implement |
1 hour |
Total: 2 hours |
4. Site title bar
This should be customizable using the Edit Look & Feel button (See later).
5-6-7. Sidebar
Sidebar which contains tabs that allow you to go into different dashboard layout
(= organizational structure). Add Page will become Add Tab.
Reminder for Nico: Drag and drop widgets from tab to tab (if there is time)
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Design |
Make extra screens and interaction design for adding tabs, removing tabs, reordering tabs and investigate whether the minimize button is useful at all |
8 hours |
Technical |
Implementation |
24 hours |
Total: 32 hours |
8-9. Placeholder widgets
These widgets are only placeholders. We might look into a restyling of the Cambridge
Recent Activity widget as a replacement of the Updates and Announcements widget.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Design |
Look at Cambridge Recent Activity widget + restyle |
See 1.2.5-6-7 |
4. Tool Screen (Ex: Site Settings)
1. Tool title
Name of the tool and is also a link into the first tab.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Implementation |
1 hour |
Total: 1 hour |
2. Help
Help brings up the general help pages, zoomed in to the section containing info
about the tool itself
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Implementation |
2.5 hours |
Total: 2.5 hours |
3. Close & Return
Brings you back to the page you came from.
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Implementation |
2 hours |
Total: 2 hours |
4-5. Task bar
The active tab showing the tab you are currently in (active tab) and the other tabs
show what else is available (inactive tabs).
6. Save & Undo Changes
Save saves your changes without bringing you back to the previous page. Undo Changes
brings the form back into the state it was in
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Extend SData framework to enable easier form processing |
5 days |
Total: 40 hours |
5. Lightbox Screen (Ex: Add Widgets)
1. Grey background
The lightbox puts a slightly transparent layer on top of the screen you were
working in. Clicking this should not close the lightbox overlay.
2. Widget title
This should in this case adjust itself to where it is
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Implement contextual title changes |
4 hours |
Total: 4 hours |
3. Help
General help pages zoomed in to where the help pages for this lightbox are
4. Close Window & Cancel
Closes the lightbox and doesn't save changes. Comes back at the bottom of the
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Design |
Redesign this specific widget to remove the Close Window & Cancel in the bottom and make it Close Window at the top (because Add Widget/Remove Widget is already a confirmation step) |
1 hour |
Total: 1 hour |
5. Finished
Closes the lightbox
6. Widget
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Technical |
Build system which allows to have multiple instances of a widget |
40 hours |
Total: 40 hours |
1. Minimize
Minimizes the widget so only the title bar is visible
2. Widget Title
3. Hover area
When the mouse cursor hovers the grey area, the cursor will change into a crosshair
and will be draggable
4. Menu
(Optional) menu that allows you to set settings, refresh, ...
ToDo :
Domain |
Description |
Work Estimate |
Tracking |
Design |
Design screens to find out how a settings screen should look like |
3 hours w/HTML |
Technical |
Allow widgets to be configurable through this Settings menu |
16 hours |
Total: 19 hours |
5. Close
Removes the widget from the screen
6. Task bar
Widget specific