4. Edit Preferences

1. Site Home Page

1. Preferences

This links you into the first tab of Preferences

2. Account Details

1. Change password

The password will only be changed if these field have been changed. If not, it will
only try to update the other fields

2. Save

This will save the changes you have made. The username cannot be changed.
Note: profile provider already gives all this data, if this is ok then estimates are minimal for the feeds, if more specific feeds are desired then this is fine also but increase estimates for feeds

ToDo :



Work Estimate


*Design confirmation message that shows after saving

3 hours



16 hours

Data Feed

Make data feed which includes Time Zone and Language

4 hours

Data Feed

Make data feed that saves the first name, last name, email, password, time zone and language

4 hours

Data Feed

Make data feed that checks whether your current password equals the entered password

2 hours



Total: 29 hours

*This will be used as a model for all (most) positive system feedback messages. I'll create one for error/negative system feedback message also.

3. Email Notifications

As is
Note: probably very easy if we use the profile feed work from above as this is just a subset of that



Work Estimate



16 hours

Data Feed

Make data feed that returns your current email notification settings

2 hours

Data Feed

Make data feed that saves the new email notification settings

2 hours



Total: 20 hours

TOTAL HOURS = ~35 (.9 person weeks)