U-TIC Project (Updating the TurnItIn Integration Code)

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Business Requirements

Definition of Done

 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 Integration work is complete

All features of current integration are present: UI options and configuration file options

The new integration code works with both Sakai 10 and Sakai 11

Full technical documentation

TurnItIn-enabled assignments created with previous integrations must be easily accessible, ie, the reports must be able to be retrieved

Errors are handled correctly

All tests pass  (Unit and mocked integration)

Vericite plagiarism service can still be used with Sakai

There shall be no known security issues

The code is accepted into the Sakai 10 and 11 codebase with the appropriate licence

 Admin tool work is complete

Informative error reporting is available through the web UI in new Admin tool

New TurnItIn Administration tool which works correctly with Sakai 10 and 11 and can be added to Administration Workspace




 Tracking in assignments tool work is complete

Informative error reporting is available through the web UI in Assignments tool

User can track where their submission has got to

Modified Assignments tool works with Sakai 10 and 11


Developer / Design Goals

IDRequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoW


 Cluster awarenessCode must run in a clustered environmentMust 
 Unit testsUnit tests for every method considered to contain complex logicMust 

Mocked integration test

Ability to verify each call to TII API via a mocked-up endpoint

Endpoint should not depend upon an SQL database

Every test runs as part of Maven build process

 Migration test code

Automatic set up of a selection pre-migration assignments for the purposes of testing all the acceptance criteria of the migration code

Automatic deployment of database updates / migration scripts

Automatic verification that new integration code can retrieve old originality reports

 Load testing / scalability

Can handle 1 submission per second

Can dispatch 20 submissions per minute (assuming TurnItIn can accept this many)

 Libraries compatible with ECL / ECL licencseProject must list all libraries that it uses with licence detailsMust 
 Fully documented for deploymentA 3rd party can follow documentation and effect deploymentMust 
 Fully documented for upgradesA 3rd party can follow documentation and effect an upgradeMust 
 JDK 1.7 Must 
 Page templating languageImplement using Wicket. Definitely do not use JSF or RSFShould 
 Fully accessibleWCAG 2.0 accessibility report for any new UI componentsShould 
 Fully internationalisedPasses review by Accessibility groupShould 
 Obeys Sakai coding standardsCode review is passedMust 
 MySQL & Oracle support

Hibernate is NOT mandated

MySQL version 5.5 and above

Oracle version 12.1 and above (I think!)

 Use Spring Must 
 Use Maven

Successful build with Maven

Build includes successful running of mocked integration test

 Works with Sakai 2.9Proven deployment with Sakai 2.9Could 
 Works with Sakai 10Proven deployment with Sakai 10Must


 Works with Sakai 11Proven deployment with Sakai 11Must 
 Allocated standard Sakai licence: ECL

Code is appropriately document

No incompatible libraries are used

 Code accepted into Sakai codebase

Any changes to the implementation of Content Review must be agreed with Vericite developers / Longsight

No new external service dependencies without unanimous agreement from Sakai developer community

Use existing Sakai frameworks for logging, configuration etc

Queuing should be driven through the database and not be held purely in-memory

Pull request is successfully merged

 Existing Sakai infrastructure is used

User Logging infrastructure

Use Sakai events service


 Current Basic LTI code is usedThere is a single IMS Basic LTI implementation in SakaiMust 


 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 Staff must be able to create TII enabled assignment in Assignments tool

Assignment is created "as normal" with a checkbox option to "Enable TurnItIn"

 Good on-screen reporting regarding Assignment creation

Success message displayed if an assignment is correctly be created in TII via LTI

Human understandable on-screen message explaining the problem if an assignment cannot be created in TII via LTI.

If TII is down then present message telling the user to try enabling TII at a later date. Do not display this message if TII is up and running and it is some other aspect that is causing the problem.

MustLimited access to creation errors, shows generic error message like it used to
 Indicate which assignments are TII-enabled

Just as currently happens, a TII enabled assignment should have a special icon with

alt="Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin." title="Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin."

If Vericite is used then (obviously) "TurnItIn" should not be mentioned / "VeriCite" should be used instead.

If not already done, replace the silk icon with a RED 'fa-certificate' character

 All existing Assignment and Originality Reports must still work

Assignments written before the deployment of the new code must still function correctly

Originality Reports generated before the deployment of the new code must still function correctly up to the point where the old API is removed

MustDone (sites should use only old or new integration)
 Deleted / Expired users on a site do not cause problemsDemonstrate that TII reports are returned on a site that contains deleted users, ie, users on a site who no longer have a provided or Sakai accountMustNot an issue because the roster is no longer synced with TII
 Can use 'odd characters' in assignment titles

Demonstrate that assignment titles can use non-ASCII characters

Demonstrate that assignment titles can contain ampersands

 Can use 'odd characters' in Site titles

Demonstrate that assignment titles can use non-ASCII characters

Demonstrate that assignment titles can contain ampersands




 Meaningful error reportingIf a report fails to be generated, a site maintainer must be able to click on a link alongside the assignment and find out in plain (English) terms, what the problem isShouldDone, although some messages are a bit generic
 Sakai Site Titles need not be unique

Two sites with the same name must both be able to contain assignments (which also have exactly the same name as each other) that provide access to TII reports

NB - if this is a problem then it is acceptable to modify site titles prior to sending them to TII (eg, append a parenthesised site ID to site titles?) Special attention must be paid to what happens to legacy Originality Reports and Assignments - users must still be able to retrieve report that were created using the old integration code.

 Sakai Assignment Title need not be unique

Allow two assignments in the same site to have exactly the same name.

Allow two assignments in different sites to have exactly the same name.

Ensure that using the 'Duplicate' option to copy an Assignment does not lead to problems of being unable to see / generate originality reports, ie, both copies of the Assignment should function correctly.

NB: it may be necessary to append the Assignment ID to assignment titles to force uniqueness.

 Site titles can be of any length

If somebody gives a site a single character name then TII-enabled Assignments on that site must function correctly.

NB site title must be at least 2 characters and assignment must have 3 characters

 Students must be allowed to have a single nameStudents with one name, eg, He-man, must be able to have TII reports generated for them. (It may be necessary to auto-construct a second name behind the scenes)Could 
 Multiple instructors can be on a siteShow that everything works as expected when there is more than one maintainer / instructor on a siteMustDone
 System can be configured so that new instructors do not receive a username / password email from TIIDemonstrate that a new instructor who doesn't have a TII account receives an email from TII containing an 'Account created' message if the configuration option is in one state or doesn't receive an email if it is in the other state.MustNo emails are ever sent (apparently)
 Allow students to re-submit

Option presented in UI - default is that they can re-submit

Student is able to submit one or more revised copies of documents and a TII report should always be returned if option is enabled.

Student cannot resubmit if option isnt enabled

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

Should (I'd like it to be a Must if at all possible)

Problems with multiple files

 Allow more than one document to be submitted to a single assignment

Student is able to attach multiple documents to a TII enabled assignment

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

A separate TII originality report is generated for each submission

 Allow choice of repository

Display choice of Submitting to

  1. Standard Paper Repository or 
  2. No Repository or 
  3. Institutional Repository

Allow the displaying of "Institutional Repository" to be suppressed. (Oxford doesn't have one.)

Ensure that both options work correctly

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

 Allow Institutional Repository to be disabled

If an establishment doesnt have an Institutional repository then allow the display of the option to be masked from the UI. I guess the default is to display the option but we could canvas opinion on the lists and having no institutal repo may be the norm?

  1. If an institutional repository exists and the property is set accordingly, then display the option in the UI and check that it is passed through correctly by using it and verifying via the corresponding Assignment in TII
  2. If the institution doesnt have one and the option is NOT displayed in the Assignments tool UI then check that the assignment is created correctly
 Allow choice of when Originality reports are generated

Display: Immediately or On Due Date

Ensure that both options work correctly

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

 Allow in-line responses to be run past TII

Submit a response in the in-page Textbox ('in-line submission') and show it gets an originality report

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

Must (assuming this is currently possible in Sakai 10, Should if it isn't)Done, turns it into an html file
 Optionally allow students to view originality Reports

Ensure that both options function correctly, ie, if students aren't allowed to view the reports then demonstrate that they are unable to do so and vice versa.

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

 Allow exclusions to be configured in UI
Ensure that zero or more of the following options can be selected and function correctly.

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.
 Allow 'checking' options to be configured in the UI

Ensure that zero or more of the following options can be selected and function correctly.

Check originality against:

  1. Institutional Repository

Allow the displaying of "Institutional Repository" to be suppressed. (Oxford doesn't have one.)

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

 Set "allow submissions of any file type"

(This option is not currently seen in Assignments.)

Allow option to allow submissions of any type or reject non-supported options (checkbox).

Default setting should be reject non-supported file types.

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

 Set feedback release date

(This option is not currently seen in Assignments.)

Present option that allows date to be set for when TurnItIn feedback is available to students.

Check that chosen date is obeyed.

Check it can be changed and the changed is reflected in TII.

ShouldSet to due date
 user peer mark

(This option is not currently seen in Assignments.)

Question: how would this interact with Sakai's peer mark option?

 Attach rubric

(This option is not currently seen in Assignments.)

Check rubric is attached and is visible in both assignments and in TurnItIn

CouldAccessible on TII
 Grammar checking (and associated options)

(This option is not currently seen in Assignments.)

Check grammar checking options are passed through to TurnItIn

Check grammar report is generated

Check setting can be changed

CouldDon't think it can be done via LTI
 If staff visit TII directly they must be able to find a Sakai AssignmentAn assignment from a particular Sakai site must be visible in some way.ShouldThis probably just happens.
 Same originality report colours used in UI

Use the same colours for Originality Report icons as current integration

Use new font Awesome Icon (for the morpheus look). Use "fa-flag" as icon.

Use the same logic to decide which colours to show

Mouse over text should show report 'score' (just as currently happens)

Click on icon to visit full Originality Report (just as currently happens)

MustDone but redirection will be to assignment home
 Show originality report score when mouse is held over the top of the colour coded originality report icon

Should use the same text as current "View originality report: score = xx%"

If resubmissions are allowed then show the most recent score

 Ignore site members with no email address during Roster sync

If one or more members of a site does not have an email address then this should NOT cause the Roster sync to fail. TurnItIn requires all site participants to have an email.

Highlight such users in the Assignment so that staff can see what has happened. (Highlighting method to be agreed).


MustThis should not be an issue any more as no Rsoter sync
 Ignore site members with with no name set or just one name set

Site participants with missing names should not cause the whole assignment to fail.

The assignment should be set up and submissions processed even if people dont have the correct names (TII requires first and second name).

Highlight such users in the Assignments tool so that staff can see what has happened. (Highlighting method to be agreed).

 This should not be an issue any more as no Rsoter sync
 Accept Until date should be passed to TurnItIn as "Post Date" (aka Extension Date)Check in TII interface that the "Post Date" (aka Extension Date) is set to the Assignment's 'Accept Until' date ShouldUsed "accept late submission" only with no date
 Allow submissions via URLIf students gives a URL as submission then a report should be generatedCouldIt would work on tii if url is public, but Sakai doesn't allow it
 Assignments works with internal subgroups

TurnItIn-enabled Assignments can be assigned to "Internal Subgroups" (Sections)

Only the members of the subgroup can see and take the assignment

MustNot an issue, will just work
 TII GradeMark returns marks to Sakai Gradebook

Add an option entitled "Allow TurnItIn GradeMark to return marks to Gradebook" (US locale) under the TurnItIn Options section of an assignment set-up. (This is the equivalent setting to "Allow external Tool to return outcomes" that one sees in the standard LTI Tool interface.)

If assignment is not set up to grade using numeric 'points' then user must be notified. They must use points-based scoring for GradeMark to be available.

For the UK (EN/GB locale) the option should be "Allow TurnItIn GradeMark to return marks to Markbook".

If TurnItIn's Grademark facility is used to mark student work, then the marks should be pulled back to the Sakai Gradebook tool (Sakai 10) and Gradebook NG (Sakai 11). (NB there is an option to get TII to push grades to Sakai but we will not use this method - we will always 'pull' grades back.)

The process must be able to cope with TII being unavailable when an attempt is made to get grades, ie, we must record the status and try again if necessary.

Will notThis doesnt really work with the ability to mark in TII and make multiple submission per assignment.

TII GradeMark returns marks to Sakai Assignments tool.

NB This needs some discussion

Optionally allow marks to be sent to Assignments tool.

Add an option entitled "Allow TurnItIn GradeMark to return marks to Assignment" under the TurnItIn Options section of an assignment set-up. (Question: is this allows as well as returning marks to Gradebook or instead of?)

If this is enabled then the marks must appear in Assignment tool.

If Gradebook is linked to the assignment from the Assignment Tool UI, then the marks should appear there as well.

If marks are also set up to be passed back to Gradebook then "something sensible" should happen.

NB: this is a bit of an unknown issue. Do we have 2 sets of marks in assignments? One set entered in sakai and one set posted by Grademark. How does all this work if marks are also to be sent back to Grade book? We need to clarify as to how this would work as one can also (presumably) manually add marks from within Assignments tool.


The mark will be added next to the report. Also, for single file assignments or only inline type, it will:

-Override assignments grade if it's empty.

-Add warning if there grades in both systems.

 Warn if class is too old

Classes expire after 7 years so warn if an assignment is created with a due date after class will expire.

If age of class cannot be determined, then use the site creation date as basis of calculations

 Staff should be able to change their email whilst an assignment is open

(This apparently should not be an issue in the new integration as a unique and non-changing User ID is used to identify an individual)

Find an assignment with submissions, for a given staff member, change their email address then try to access originality reports (after a short while)


Apparently this will not be an issue as a user ID is used to identify the student.

It works but the email is not updated on TII

 Prevent Assignment from being detached from TurnItIn

If an assignment has been routed via TurnItIn then it should not be able to be unattached.

The "enable TurnItIn" button should be greyed out once set and the assignment created.

MustThis may not be needed if we are able to retrospectively process non-TII checked essays when a non-TII enabled Assignment is modified so that submissions are checked.
 Allow Assignment to be retrospectively enable TurnItIn

If TurnItIn is not present when the assignment is set up then it should be possible to retrospectively attach it.

The user should be warned if TurnItIn cannot be enabled. They should be told to try again later and should also be told why there was a problem, ie, highlight that it's the fault of TurnItIn and not Sakai.

If there are already submissions when TII routing is enabled then these essays should be dispatched for review straight away.

 Essays should be available in Sakai

Essays routed via TurnItIn must be available in the Sakai site.

Ideally upload into Sakai and then dispatch to TII.

 Provide a link to "Assignments In Box"

Place a link to "TurnItIn Assignment Inbox" on 'View submissions' page underneath the submissions table but above the "> Assignments details" "DIV"

Clicking on the link should open a new browser tab positioned at the inbox for the current assignment



 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 On screen warning if TII-enabled assignment receives submission of a file type that isn't supported by TII

Unsupported type is accepted by a red "Standard Sakai warning" is displayed on screen

Read acceptable file types from a configuration property OR (if possible) dynamically retrieve from TII and cache for 24 hours

?Q: I think there's a TII config setting that says what file types are accepted - how does this work with that setting?


We have a patch at Oxford: https://jira.oucs.ox.ac.uk/jira/browse/WL-3155 - may need modifying

Mixed with any type property code

 Student should be able to receive confirmation of receipt from TII

If configuration says so, the student should get a receipt acknowledging submission.

If configuration says not, then the student should not receive notification.


See: https://jira.oucs.ox.ac.uk/jira/browse/WL-2488

They can access it on the TII LTI site

 student should be informed in Assignments UI if file size is larger than is allowed

There should be a (new?) TII service configuration parameter giving maximum file size (unless this can be retrieved dynamically). I believe the current limit set by TII is 20MB.

If a student attempts to submit a file larger than is permitted, the file should be accepted by Assignments but the student should be informed that it will not be checked


Related: https://jira.oucs.ox.ac.uk/jira/browse/WL-3787 - please add this to Assignments tool


 Warn students who do not have an email addressIf a student doesn't have an email address then they should see in the Assignments UI that their TII report will not be generatedMustRight now the job registers these errors
 Warn students who do not have their name set

If a student doesn't have a name (or only has 1 name) then they should see in the Assignments UI that their TII report will not be generated.

NB If we are able to accept submissions from people with one name then only warn if no names are set

MustRight now the job registers these errors
 Students should be allowed to attach additional documents that aren't checkedDemonstrate that supporting documents can be attached in addition to the main document, use an odd filetype, eg, *.cad or *.exe and check that it's acceptedMustDone
 Students with 'odd' characters in their name should be allowed

Students with non ASCII characters, eg, unicode characters in their name should be able to submit essays and receive originality reports

The full unicode / UTF-8 character set must be accepted

 Document viewer linkStudents must have a link to document viewer (assuming they have permission to visit the Doc Viewer.MustLink to TII assignment home
 Students should be allow to opt out of TII checking

This facility should be configurable

Default is that they should not be allowed to opt out

If the tool is configured to allow opt out, the student should be able to select an option and not have their document checked.

Tutor should see they opted out rather than just not seeing a link to the report

 Student should be able to change their email whilst an assignment is open

(This apparently should not be an issue in the new integration as a unique and non-changing User ID is used to identify an individual)

Set up assignment for a site, for a given student, change their email address then try to submit (after a short while)

ShouldThis should not be an issue
 Essays should be available in Sakai

Essays routed via TurnItIn must be available in the Sakai site.

Ideally upload into Sakai and then dispatch to TII.


Sakai Administrator

 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 Configure whether staff (instructors) receive notification of instructor account creation from TII

Config option is proven to work - we have this at Oxford

Current property is used

 Configure whether students receive notification of account creation from TII

Config option is proven to work.

Current property is used

 Stop TII sandbox from sending email messages

Configuration file option to prevent email messages being sent from specific TII endpoint (eg, a sandbox server), this 'overrides' all other email settings, ie, one only has to flip one setting when in "sandbox" mode

Verify that emails arent sent.

Should (we could never get this to work)No emails are ever sent (apparently)
 Can add "hidden" LTI tool as system tool

TurnItIn integration works and uses the TII IMS LTI tool on each site

The TII LTI tool does not appear in External tools for any user (except Sakai admins in Administration Workspace)

The TII LTI tool does not appear in Plugins part of Edt Tools page

A site maintainer cannot accidentally disable or remove the LTI tool from the site.

 Should resubmission be allowed

There should be a property to disable the “allow resubmissions” option in the UI. The default should be to show the option but if institutions are worried about resubmissions then they could suppress the display of the option.


Migration Code

 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 Build a test environment

Automatically build a “simulated live environment” in the TurnItIn Sandbox that contains assignments created using old integration (over several sites)

Auto-submit a variety of documents by various students to these assignments

Then automatically create assignments using new integration and check that they are created.

Automatically submit essays to these assignments and check they are accepted

Then check that reports can be obtained from both types of assignment

 Old Assignments must still be available and all current (Legacy API) configuration options must be obeyed for existing assignments

Originality Reports for Assignments submitted using the old integration ('Legacy API)' must be accessible. (If people are using the older content-review code ('Open API') must upgrade via the newer integration.)

Option by option analysis of existing assignments in a system using the old integration compared to these assignments in a system set up to use new integration.

Basically, make sure that when a staff member or student accesses an old assignment, the options that were used when it was set up are still obeyed, eg, if an old assignment was set up and prevented students from being able to access their originality report then this setting must still be in place. (I seem to be having trouble explaining myself here!)

 Sites can contain "mixed" assignmentsNew TII-enabled assignments must work correctly in sites which contain TII-enabled assignments submitted using the previous 'Legacy API' integration must work. (Tested as laid out above.)MustThis would cause trouble and is quite hard to accomplish
 Configuration of behaviour

A property should dictate that the LTI-based "new integration" is used for assignment creation, submission and viewing reports.

This property should also be able to be set on a site-by-site basis (via the Sites tool) so specific sites can be set up to use the new integration. This will allow us to pilot new integration with a handful of sites before the "big switch-over"

Another property should control whether links to reports generated / accessible via the old API are shown. When the old API is switched off, the property will be set so that the old links are suppressed.This property should affect all sites, there is no need for it to be set on a site by site basis. (Alternatively, this could be done automatically - Sakai checks and if the old API isnt there, the links are suppressed.)


New TII Dashboard tool for Sakai Administrators 

The MoSCoW analysis is only relevant if we are doing this work. IE, it only comes into play if the dashboard is developed.

 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 New TII dashboard tool can be added to Admin Workspace

Tool is available to be added via Sites tool

An administrator can see all events in Sakai

 Pre-create TII admin site when Sakai is installed

(We may need to talk about this.)

If the new TII content-review code is being used, create a site with ID '!tii-admin' and add the TII dashboard to it

Provide migration script to create this site and add the dashboard for existing installations that wish to use the new TII code

 TII Dashboard tool can be added to individual sites

Tool is available in Edit Tools menu

User with correct permissions can see events from the current site

 An interface should be implemented for TII which could also be implemented by Vericite

Interface is not tied to a particular back-end solution

Interface is acceptable to Longsight

 Tool displays a paginated list of "TurnItIn" submission events, most recent first

Default pagination is 250 items - it is a form of "raw database dump"

All events are shown in reverse chronological order. Columns should be sortable and contain

  • Select item (checkbox)
  • Site Title
  • Site ID
  • Assignment name - see note
  • Assignment ID
  • Submitter 'Display ID'
  • Submitter name
  • Created
  • Current Status - clickable
  • Link to Originality Report - see note

Clicking on Current Status gives a modal pop-up showing transaction log of timestamped status transitions, ie,a history of a particular submission.

NB If it is expensive to retrieve the Assignment name or to link to Originality Report then do not display this / these column(s), we think that retrieving assignment names and reports may not be scalable.

 Search interface for submission events

Filter by 'Display ID', or

Filter by Site ID

NB: No date search, no faceted search

 Actions for submission events

Each entry in table has checkbox (including filtered results)

'Select All' in table header

'Actions' for selected items

  • Cancel (ie, just give up, no retries)
  • Cancel and Resubmit (or possibly Resubmit if it isn't necessary to cancel first)

NB some experimentation or advice from iParadigms may be needed to make sure that matters wont be made worse if a stuck submission is resubmitted

 Global Action

Pause all TurnItIn activity for "N hours" starting at DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM - in case we know of TII outages

Accept submission but just add to the queue

 Roster sync Status

Additional "tab" to allow tracking roster syncs


  • Select item (checkbox)
  • Site Title
  • Site ID
  • Created
  • Updated
  • Status including error mesaages
WontShould not be needed as there will be no Roster Sync
 Actions for Roster Sync table

'Select All' in table header

'Actions' for selected items

  • Resync

NB some experimentation or advice from iParadigms may be needed to make sure that matters wont be made worse if faulty roster sync is retried

WontShould not be needed as there will be no Roster Sync
 Overview of tool placements

Sakai Administrators should be able to see, edit and disable tool placements from within Admin Workspace


NB This may well be taqcked by a completely separate piece of work undertaken as part of another project.

Integration Code

 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 Implement "content-review-impl"implement current interface, do not define a new interfaceMust 
 Conforms to "content-review-api" Must 
 uses Sakai's current IMS Basic LTI implementationExtend the current LTI Code, do not develop a new integrationMust 
 SAK-29452 - Force site update when a tool is added to a site (may not be needed) Should 
 Record events for site stats to use Should 
 Submit essay to TurnItIn

Queue submission in a similar fashion to the current implementation

If submission is not possible must wait and retry

log everything to events table for use in 'TII dashboard' when this is implemented


 Define architecture of Roster syncing

Choose between one "Big Roster Sync" job or smaller-grained individual syncs with sensible inter-dependencies, ie, only allow (say) 4 concurrent syncs at any one time. (Set max concurrent threads via a property.)

NB: assess how much work each option would be then make a decision in conjunction with Oxford

 Sync 'Roster'

Classes must be up to date in TurnItIn

Student added to site is able to submit to an assignment pretty much straight away

Only need to do a roster sync if a new person is added to a site which contains the assignment tool with at least one TurnItIn-enabled assignment

Queue Roster syncs so as not to flood TurnItIn after overnight site membership updates at the start of a new term

NB: do we still need to do a roster sync or is there a better way now?

WontNo roster sync anymore.
 Make sure the number of days that originality reports are available for can be configured.

Add new configuration property to specify length of time reports are kept (assuming this is possible). Choose a sensible default - 1 year.

Check on TII website that the "delete date" has been set (assuming this is possible).

NB I'm a little unclear about this.

 Support a 'verbose' logging mode that can be enabled via a property

Logs all web service calls and responses if configured to do so

Use terse logging if not configured to be verbose.

 Support 'terse' loggingLog errors, warnings & others - basically do what other tools do in this situation.Must 
 Retry class creation upon failureRetry if TurnItIn is unavailable or some other network issue gets in the wayWontCannot do this with the LTI approach
 Simple Mode - doesnt use queuing. cf Canvas

Enabled by property.

When student visits assignment and clicks on title, they are placed in LTI TII tool in the main content iFrame and can submit from there.

When staff try to view report they are put into the LTI TII tool in the main content iFrame.

Make it work like Canvas in these:

  1. http://vimeo.com/114083671
  2. http://vimeo.com/114084561
  3. http://vimeo.com/114085336

Tracking From Within Assignments Tool

 RequirementAcceptance CriteriaMoSCoWComment
 Staff and Students can track submissions

Student are only allowed to track their own submissions (by default).

Staff with appropriate permissions (assignment.submit) can track all site member's submissions.

The state that a report is in should be reflected in the UI. A 'wait time' threshold should be used to flag abnormally long delays: this should be set in a property. Possible states:

  • 'Awaiting submission'
  • 'Delayed'
  • 'Awaiting report - submitted on DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM:SS'
  • 'Awaiting report delay threshold exceeded - submitted on DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM:SS'
  • 'Rejected. Reason: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' (assuming we can retrieve a reason for rejection)
  • 'Temporary Failure (but will retry). Reason: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' (assuming we can retrieve a reason for failure)
  • 'Permanent Failure. Reason: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' (assuming we can retrieve a reason for failure)
  • 'Report generated at DD/MM/YYYY at HH:MM:SS'
  • 'Report expired' (assuming we can find out when a report will disappear from the TurnItIn server)

Non TurnItIn-enabled Assignments must work correctly as they wont have a "Report Status" column.

Assignments that use Vericite must work correctly.

A staff member should know whether the report is queuing for dispatch, has been sent for checking with date, has been processed at a specific time(and is therefore available), has expired with a date (ie, been deleted from TII services), has been abandoned (due to an error) with date plus explanation of the error or some other state.

 Record events for site stats to use   


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