- Login
- Select a specific course.
- Think time: 10 seconds
- Select "Assignments" link.
- Select the "Grade" link appearing under the link for a specific the assignment.
- Twice, select the "Submitted" column header. This will sort the students with submitted items to the top.
- This is the beginning of the grading loop. For each student appearing whose assignment is to be graded:
- Select a student.
- If StudentAssign.doc isn't there, jump around the rest of the loop and exit.
- Select StudentAssign.doc and download it.
- Close the blank browser window that comes up.
- Think time: 30 seconds
- Under "Instructor Comments," enter some cheeky comments.
- Under "Grade," enter a number that should be randomized.
- Check the "Allow Resubmission" checkbox and select the "Return to Student" button.
- Select the "Assignment List" anchor. This is done to permit looping through assignments within a class.
- This is the end of the grading loop.
- Select the "Grade" link appearing under the link for the assignment.
- Click the "Release Grades" anchor.
- Think Time: 5 seconds
- Select "Logout" Link.
- End of script.