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Discussion Forums Tool


Test Procedure to verify that students can create, edit, delete topics, posts, and private messages, can alter their preferences, and that instructors can manage categories, forums, and options for the entire system

expected result:

User should be able to create, edit, delete topics, posts, and private messages, and also be able to modify their preferences. Instructors should be able to manage categories, forums and options for the entire discussion forums system.

test data:

resources.doc, resources.jpg


SiteSetup.htm has been run



start at:

Course site home page, Login: Student

Step ID


Expected Result


Select Discussion Forums link

User directed to the Discussion Forums page

  • By default, three discussion areas will be listed with the number of topics, messages, and last message for each
  • Questions
  • Class Discussions
  • Student Lounge


Under Other discussion section, select the Student Lounge link

User directed to the Student Lounge page


Select the new topic button

User directed to the New Topic form


Enter the following information:

  • Subject: Test Topic
  • Message body: Test body
  • Leave the Options as default
  • Select the Attach File button

A hidden form emerges called File Attachment Panel


In the File Attachment Panel from, enter the following:

  • Description: Test Attachment
  • Select the Browse... button next to the Filename field

File upload popup window opens


Select resources.doc from the window

  • Select Open button

Popup window closes and the path/file are now populating the Filename field


Select the Add another file button

Another hidden form emerges under the previous one


Select the Remove link next to the newest revealed form

Form disappears


Under the New Topic form, select the Submit button

User directed to the Test Topic page and the recently posted topic will be visible


Select the edit button

User directed to the editable form page


Change the Subject to: Test Topic Edited

  • Select the Submit button

User directed to the Test Topic Edited page where the subject of the message should reflect the modification


Select the quote button

User directed to the Reply to "Test Topic Edited" page


In the Message body, under the quoted material, type: This follows the quote.

  • Select the Submit button

User directed to the Test Topic Edited page where the new message is posted—the quoted part should appear in a box and the text should come after that box


Select the postreply button

User directed to the Reply to "Test Topic Edited" page

  • The Subject will be "Re:Test Topic Edited" by default


In the Message body, enter: Test reply

  • Select the Submit button

User directed to the Test Topic Edited page where the recently submitted message should follow the other two previous messages.

  • Note that the date and times are next to each post, and under the user's name, the total number of messages they have posted should increase as expected


Select the Discussion Home link

User directed to the Discussion Forums page

  • In the Student Lounge area, the Topics number should be 1 and the Messages should be 3, showing the last message posted by the student at the correct date/time


Select the My Profile link

User directed to the profile editing page


Enter the following:

  • ICQ UIN: 123
  • AIM Info: tester
  • MSN Messenger:
  • Yahoo Messenger:
  • Web Site:
  • Location: Phoenix, AZ
  • Occupation: Tester
  • Interests: Testing
  • Signature: The Tester
  • Under Preferences, select the following:
  • Show my e-mail address: Yes
  • Send e-mail notification when new topics are posted: Yes
  • Send e-mail when a private message is sent: Yes
  • Always attach my signature: Yes
  • Your language preference: Default
  • Under Avatar Control Panel, select the Browse... button

Popup File Upload window appears


Select resources.jpg

  • Select the Open button

File Upload popup closes

  • Path to file now populates Load avatar from your computer field


Select the Submit button

Page will refresh with all of the entered information still in the form—also a message: Information updated


Select the Member Listing link

User directed to the Discussion List page where a list of names of site participants should be visible


Select the pm button under the Private Message column next to an Instructor's name

User directed to the New Private Message page


Enter the following:

  • Subject: Test PM
  • Message body: Test PM body
  • Select the Submit button

User directed to a confirmation page stating: Your message was successfully sent. Click here to go back to your inbox.


Select the here link

User directed to the Private Message Inbox page


Select the Sent Box link

User directed to the Sent Box page


Switch browser to instructor session

User directed to the My Workspace page


Select the Course Site link from the Quicklinks menu

User directed to the course home page


Under Communication category, select the Discussion Forums link

User directed to the Discussion Forums page

  • Next to the New Private Messages link should be a: (1)


Select the New Private Messages link

User directed to the Private Message Inbox


Select the Test PM link

User directed to the Test PM view of the message

  • Next to the Private Messages link, the (1) should be gone


Select the postreply button

User directed to a Reply form


Enter the following into the Message body:

  • Test PM Reply
  • Select the Submit button

User directed to an information page stating: Your message was successfully sent. Click here to go back to your inbox.


Select the here link

User directed to the Inbox


In the Test PM row, check the checkbox

  • Select the Delete Selected button

User directed to an information screen stating: Message deletion done. Click here to continue.


Switch back to the student session

User should still be at the Sent Box page


Select the Recent Topics link

User directed to the Discussion List -> Recent Topics page where the most recent topic should be: Test Topic Edited


Select the Test Topic Edited link

User directed to the Test Topic Edited page


Select the Bookmark it! link

Popup window with dialog: Insert a new bookmark


In the popup window form, leave the default title, and enter Description as follows: Test description

  • Select the Update button

A new popup window will open with a message stating: The bookmark was saved!


In the popup window, select the OK button

Popup windows close


Back in the Test Topic Edited page, select the My Bookmarks link

User directed to the Discussion List -> Bookmark entries for username

  • The recently added Test Topic Edited bookmark should be visible


Select the Edit link in the Test Topic Edited row

Popup window opens a prompt for Editing a bookmark


Change the Description to: Test Description Edit

  • Select the Update button

A new popup window opens stating: The bookmark was saved!


In the popup window, select the OK button

Popup windows close


Back on the Discussion List -> Bookmark entries for aphillips, in the sub-breadcrumb trail, select the Bookmark entries for aphillips link

Page refreshes with the newly edited bookmark description available


Select the Delete link in the Test Topic Edited row

Popup alert asks: Really remove this bookmark entry?


In the popup, select the OK button

Page refreshes and the bookmark is no longer listed


Switch the browser to the instructor session

User should still be at the inbox page


Select the Manage link (only available to the instructor or teaching assistant)

User directed to the Welcome to the Manage Screen page


Under Forum Admin, select the Categories link

User directed to the Category Listing page where the two default categories should be listed: Main and Other


Select the Insert new button

User directed to the Category Management page


In the Category Name field, enter the following: Test Category

  • Select the Update button

User directed to the Category Listing page where there should now be three categories, the two defaults, and now: Test Category


In the Test Category row, select the Up button

Page refreshes and the Test Category row should have been moved up one space, above the Other category


In the Other category row, select the Click to edit link

User directed to the Category Management page


In the Category Name field, modify Other into: Other_mod

  • Select the Update button

User directed to the Category Listing page where the Other category should now be called Other_mod


Under Administration, select the Discussion List link

User directed to the Discussion List page where there should be three categories in this order:

  • Main
  • Test Category
  • Other_mod


Select the Manage link

User directed to the Welcome to the Manage Screen page


Under Forum Admin, select the Forums link

User directed to the Forums listing page


Under Main category, in the Questions row, select the Down button

Page refreshes and Questions should now be a row under the Class Discussions row


Select the Insert new button

User directed to the Forum Management page


Enter the following:

  • Forum Name: Test Forum
  • Category: Test Category
  • Description: Test Description
  • Leave the rest of the options set to default and select the Update button

User directed to the Forum listing page where Test Forum should now be visible under Test Category


In the Test Forum row, select the Click to edit link

User directed to the Forum Management page


Change the Forum Name to: Test Forum Edited

  • Select the Update button

User directed to the Forums listing page where under Test Category should be Test Forum Edited


Under Administration, select the Discussion List link

User directed to the Discussion List page

  • The Test Category category should have the description Test Description


Switch browser to the student session

User should be at the Discussion List -> Bookmark entries for username page


Select the Discussion List link from the sub-breadcrumb trail

User directed to the Discussion List page where the recent changes to the categories and forums should be visible


Switch browser to the instructor session

User should be at the Discussion List page


Select the Manage link

User directed to the Welcome to the Manage Screen page


Under the Forum Admin page, select the Forums link

User directed to the Forums listing page


Under the Test Category category, check the check box in the Test Forum Edited row

  • Select the Delete selected button

Page refreshes and the Test Forum Edited forum should no longer be visible


Under Forum Admin, select the Categories link

User directed to the Category Listing page


In the Test Category row, check the check box

  • Select the Delete Selected button

Page refreshes with the recently deleted Test Category no longer visible


Switch browser to the student session

User should be at the Discussion List page


Select the Discussion Home link

Page refreshes and the recently deleted Category and Forum should no longer be visible


Select the My Profile link

User directed to the profile editing page


Under Preferences, select the radio button for Yes in the Send e-mail notification when new topics are posted

  • Also under Preferences, select the radio button for Yes in the Send e-mail when a private message is sent
  • Select the Submit button

Page refreshes with the message: Information updated


Switch browser to the instructor session

User should still be at the Category Listing page


Under Administration, select the Discussion List link

User directed to the Discussions page


Under Other_mod category, select the Student Lounge link

User directed to the Student Lounge page


Select the new topic button

User directed to the New Topic page form


Enter the following:

  • Subject: Testing Email
  • Message body: notification
  • Select the Submit button

User directed to the Testing Email page

  • User's email should receive email


Select the Private Messages link

User directed to the Private Message Inbox page


Select the new pm button

User directed to the New Private Message page


Enter the following:

User directed to the Information page where a message states: Your message was successfully sent. Click here to go back to your inbox.

  • For the student session, when they check their email, there should be a notification for the new topic and also a notification for the new private message
  • User's email should receive email


Switch browser to the student session

User should still be at the My Profile editor page


Select the Discussion Home link

User directed to the Discussion List page

  • Next to New Private Messages should be (1).
  • Under Other_mod, next to Student Lounge, the icon should be orange reflecting a new message


Select the Mark All As Read link

Page refreshes and the orange icon is now white—denoting the message as read

finish at: Discussion List

  • No labels