My first Webservice


Quick start

Writing web services is as easy or as hard as you want to make it. This section shows you the easy approach.
Note: The examples assume you have a working Sakai-demo installed on your local machine.

JWS files are rough equivalent of JSPs. If you write code under /webapps/sakai-axis with a jws extension then the java code contained therein will be recompiled every time. the code is modified.
OK let's make our first web service. Try adding the following to the directory /webapps/sakai-axis:


import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;

public class Ping{
  public String ping()throws AxisFault { 
     return "Pong";     

Browsing http://localhost:8080/sakai-axis/Ping.jws

Should return

There is a Web Service here
Click to see the WSDL

That was it. The first web service.