Use Case 2 - Upload new content

Note: Screenshots are labeled with the Use Case number and step numbers on the lower left.

Primary Actor

Faculty or student



  • Faculty or student owns an NYU Files personal files space directory
  • Actor has already logged into ALEX system
  • Actor has opened Content and Media through the My Sakai dashboard


Flow Of Events:



ALEX Interface/TBD Systems

Standard Case



Displays list of directories and files for the My NYU Files repository


Selects "Upload new resource(s)"




Opens upload tool in sidebar


Selects "Browse files"




Opens file browser dialog box


Selects file(s) for upload



Clicks "Select"




Adds file(s) to queue in upload tool


Selects "Upload"




Uploads files into pre-selected repository




Opens the Resource Settings dialog box



Selects "NOT Available to the ALEX Community" in the Visibility & Sharing section (the default setting)




Clicks the "Tags" link on the left and adds existing or new Tags to file (see UC_5)





Auto-suggests existing tags as the user types.



Clicks "Done"





Saves tags and settings to database. Closes Resource Settings dialog box.

Alternate Cases


Uses pull-down menu in upload tool to select a different repository in which to save the file(s)




Clicks the (X) icon to remove one or more of the files from the queue




Clicks the "Add More" link to add more files to the queue prior to upload.




Clicks "Done" to close the Resource Settings dialog box without making any changes to the default settings.




Selects "Visible to the ALEX Community" in Visibility & Sharing section




Removes tags that have previously been associated with the file





Displays an error message if the user attempts to remove a system-generated tag.


File is displayed in Content and Media

Business Rules

The default repository and directory should be the NYU Files site-specific directory if accessed through the WYSIWYG dialog box in Courses & Sites.

The default repository should be the NYU Files user owned root Xythos directory if accessed through the Content and Media section of ALEX.


Tag file with Site ID if uploaded through an ALEX site.


Some items to note about these pariticular wireframes:

  • They try to stay true to the existing R&D framework where possible
  • NYU Files (Xythos) is the default repository for file storage here; however several other file storage or file management repositories are slated to be integrated.
  • In addition, we have introduced the concept of treated external hosted content as a resource as well with the "Link to a resource on the Web" option. People would be able to tag, and repurpose an external file as well (see UC_?)
    • note: the NYU faculty that initially saw these wireframes were especially receptive to this concept
  • Because of this fact, Content and Media has become "My Resources" based on some feedback we have heard. And what would display in "My Resources" will ultimately be an aggregate of all the resources that are linked to a person across multiple repositories, and external sources
    • Will provide a link that writes up the technical approach for this soon
  • Also based on feedback, the links "All Files; My Files; My Contacts Files; and Files on My Sites" were removed. People felt this was duplicating the Filter by options; and the strong message back was "I don't care where a file is stored...I just want to see my stuff all in one place."

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