19 Jan 2009

19 Jan 2009 UX Working Group Meeting


  • 3.0.0 Milestone 1 Release status
    • what would be the next milestone to release?
  • Results of Nathan/Eli/Keli's meeting on divvying up the design work
  • Overlap between Authoring WG and UX WG
    • Entification use cases
  • Updates from everyone


Attendees: Peter, Judy, Nico

  • Attendance was light due to observance in some US locations of a holiday.
  • Still working out with Anthony correct 2.6 revision for some parts of 3.0.0-milestone01 release.
  • UX working sessions over Skype/Connect have been very useful and productive; expect them to continue this week.

Next Meeting: 26 Jan 2009