Student Core Survey Questions

Below are the suggested "core" and "optional" questions for students.

You can also try a "test-run" of these questions by clicking here. 

Note: You should replace <Sakai> with the name of your branded Sakai implementation. You should also replace <Institution> with the name of your institution.

Welcome Screen Message (Adapt as necessary for your local survey):

Welcome! This survey is designed to help the <Sakai> Team understand your use of information technologies in the classroom, and get feedback on your experiences with <Sakai>. Your responses will help shape the design of improvements to <Sakai> that you will see in coming semesters.

All student survey respondents will be entered in a drawing to win a $100 certificate to Two student respondents will be selected at random.

Your responses to this survey are confidential and anonymous. Your <user id> is only associated with your responses long enough for us to identify the gift certificate winners. Results from this survey will only be presented in aggregate form.

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. To begin the survey, click the "Continue" button to the lower right to log in.

User Directions Text:

This section of the survey asks questions about your use of information technology IN GENERAL in your courses. This encompasses all information technologies like email, PowerPoint, online discussion, or any kind of course website.

Course-Related Activities



Comments / Notes

The majority of courses I take at <Institution> are conducted...

  • Face-to-face
  • Using a blend of face-to-face and online interaction
  • At a distance with no face-to-face interaction, other than proctored exams
  • Other (please specify):

Radio button selection

We think the sequence of questions should be: Demographics, Course Related (Stephanie, Yitna -- UVa)

The sequence of sections is used in order to introduce what is meant by "information technologies" to the users as early as possible. We therefore recommend using the items in the order listed here. (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan)

Please rate your agreement with the statements below:
The following information technologies are valuable for my course-related activities...

  • Blogging tools (e.g., Blogger)
  • Collaborative document sharing (e.g., Google Docs)
  • File storage systems (e.g., IFS)
  • Group calendar
  • Handheld devices (e.g., Palm Pilots, Blackberries)
  • Instant Messaging (e.g., AOL IM, iChat)
  • Learning management systems (e.g., <Sakai>)
  • My instructors' personal website
  • Online quiz / test systems
  • Online media (e.g., audio, video)
  • Online surveys (e.g., SurveyMonkey)
  • RSS news feeds (e.g., New York Times feeds)
  • SMS text messaging (e.g., text messages sent via cell phones)
  • Social networking websites (e.g., Facebook)
  • Student response systems (e.g., clickers)
  • Other (please describe)

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Have Not Used

Instead of long list of technologies, could also change into Yes/No question: Do you use information technologies for your course-related activities? If so, which one(s):
(Steve, Michigan)
We think the Likert scale could be reduced (yes, no, n/a).  Question could be re-framed to: 

We have found that limiting the scale can inhibit reliable statistical analysis (our scale used to be a 3-point Likert scale, which really didn't work). Furthermore, if the item text reads "listed in your syllabus", then you potentially lose information from instructors & students who may use these technologies in their course or regular instruction, but may not list them in their syllabus (e.g., the instructor who uses a YouTube clip to make a point about economics). We therefore recommend keeping the long list, but leaving the prompt & scale intact. Feel free to move the items around, if that works better for you, and also use institution-specific examples in the examples, if applicable (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Please rate your agreement with the statements below:
Using information technology in my course(s) is valuable for...

  • Improving my instructors' teaching
  • Improving my learning
  • Saving me time (efficiency)
  • Accessing material any time, from any location (convenience)
  • Managing my course activities (e.g., planning, apportioning time, noting success and failure)
  • Improving my communication to my instructors
  • Improving my instructors' communication to me
  • Improving my communication with my classmates

5-point Likert scale:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree


(optional) Which of the following benefits of using information technology in your courses is the most valuable to you? Please select one.

  • Improving my instructors' teaching
  • Improving my learning
  • Saving me time (efficiency)
  • Accessing material any time, from any location (convenience)
  • Managing my course activities (e.g., planning, apportioning time, noting success and failure)
  • Improving my communication to my instructors
  • Improving my instructors' communication to me
  • Improving my communication with my classmates
  • No benefits
  • Other (please describe):
  • I do not use information technologies in my courses

Radio button selection

Add an "Other" option (stephanie, yitna -- uva)

Other option already listed (Steve, Michigan)

Generally in your courses, which of the following best describes your use of information technology, such as the technologies described in question #2 above? Please select one.

  • I prefer taking courses that use no information technology
  • I prefer taking courses that use a limited level of technology
  • I prefer taking courses that use a moderate level of technology
  • I prefer taking courses that use an extensive level of technology
  • I prefer taking courses that use technology exclusively

Radio button selection

Text changed to meet with Keli's suggestion in the Instructor instrument (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).




Comments / Notes

Rate your overall expertise with computers relative to other students at <Institution>:

  • Novice
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Radio button selection


(Populate list with your institution's schools/colleges/units)
What school or college are you primarily affiliated with? Please select one.

  • Unit 1
  • Unit 2
  • ...

Radio button selection


(Modify list as appropriate for your institution)
What is your year / status in your program?

  • First-year undergraduate (e.g., Freshman)
  • Second-year undergraduate (e.g., Sophomore)
  • Third-year undergraduate (e.g., Junior)
  • Four or more years undergraduate (e.g., Senior)
  • Professional student (e.g., Law, Nursing, etc.)
  • Masters student (e.g., MA, MS, MBA, MFA, MSW)
  • Doctoral student (e.g., PhD)

Radio button selection


General <Sakai> Use



Comments / Notes

(include screen shot of a Sakai course site)
For how many different courses have you used <Sakai>? (e.g., ECON 101 for Fall 2007 and ECON 101 for Fall 2008 are two different courses) A sample <Sakai> screen is shown at the right.  

  • None
  • 1-2
  • 3-6
  • 7-10
  • More than 10

Radio button selection

You may want to use this question as a "weeder" item. If the instructor responds with the None option, then they are done. Any other option, and they are forwarded to the second section of the survey which is all about Sakai. (Steve, Michigan)

User Directions Text:

(include screen shot of a Sakai course site)
This section of the survey asks questions about your use of <Sakai>, in particular, for your courses. A sample <Sakai> screen is
shown at the right.

(no heading)



Comments / Notes

This semester, how often do you typically visit your <Sakai> sites? Please select one.

  • Few times a semester
  • Few times a month
  • Once a week
  • Few times a week 
  • Daily (once or more)

Radio button selection

I think that this question and the one above are not immediate enough. We really want to know how many courses total; how many this semester; and for this question to pinpoint it to "This semester, how often do you visit your sites.....(Srehberg GT)

Good suggestion. Text has been changed (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan)

Accessing Materials For Courses Using <Sakai>



Comments / Notes

Please rate your agreement with the following statements:
In terms of accessing materials for my courses, using <Sakai> is valuable for...

  • Accessing a syllabus
  • Accessing a public course description
  • Accessing an audio and/or video recording of lecture
  • Accessing multimedia materials (other than audio/video lecture recordings)
  • Accessing a lecture outline or notes before the lecture
  • Accessing a lecture outline or notes after the lecture
  • Accessing online readings and other supplementary course materials
  • Using a single access point for materials from a variety of online sources
  • Accessing grades (individual assignment and/or final course grade)
  • Accessing sample exams and quizzes for learning purposes

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Have Not Used

Suggested change in the phrasing of this question: "In terms of materials for courses, <Sakai> is valuable for..." (I think it makes it more immediate, rather than having a separate heading. Salwa, TxState)

Nice! Text has been changed in both instruments according to this suggestion (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Add "Other" option (stephanie, yitna -- uva)

Note that adding an "other" option adds to your amount of qualitative data to evaluate & code. In our past experience, most "other" answers are not very informative (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Interacting With Instructors For Courses Using <Sakai>



Comments / Notes

Please rate your agreement with the following statements:
In terms of interacting with the instructors for my courses, using <Sakai> is valuable for...

  • Viewing a calendar / schedule of activities
  • Receiving messages or notifications from instructors
  • Taking exams and quizzes for grading purposes
  • Getting assignments back from instructors with comments and grade
  • Using a structure provided by instructors to sequence or scaffold activities
  • Visiting online office hours
  • Being part of instructor-created ad-hoc student groups / teams
  • Having instructors monitor / observe my progress or engagement
  • Supporting distance learning

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Have Not Used

Suggested change in the phrasing of this question:"In terms of interacting with instructors in my courses, <Sakai> is valuable for..."(Salwa,TxState)

Nice! Text has been changed in both instruments according to this suggestion (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Add "Other" option (stephanie, yitna -- uva)

Note that adding an "other" option adds to your amount of qualitative data to evaluate & code. In our past experience, most "other" answers are not very informative (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Student Submissions, Work, and Information For Courses Using <Sakai>



Comments / Notes

Please rate your agreement with the following statements about your courses:
In terms of posting work or information for my courses, using <Sakai> is valuable for...

  • Posting questions before lecture
  • Posting questions during lecture
  • Posting questions or responses after lecture
  • Reading and/or commenting on other students' course-based work
  • Generating or sharing instructional materials for my classmates
  • Working with my classmates on a task or assignment
  • Turning in assignments online
  • Accessing library resources or research help
  • Providing course or lecture feedback

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Have Not Used

Suggested change in the phrasing of this question:"In terms of getting coursework done, <Sakai> is valuable for..." (Salwa, TxState)

Nice! Text has been changed in both instruments according to this suggestion (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Add "Other" option (stephanie, yitna -- uva)

Note that adding an "other" option adds to your amount of qualitative data to evaluate & code. In our past experience, most "other" answers are not very informative (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

Using <Sakai> Tools For Courses



Comments / Notes

(Modify for your local implementation)
Please rate your agreement with the statements below:
Within <Sakai>, the following tools are valuable for my course-related activities...

  • Announcements
  • Assignments
  • Blogger
  • Chat Room
  • Drop Box
  • Email Archive
  • Forums
  • Gradebook
  • Mailtool
  • Messages
  • Modules
  • My Workspace
  • News
  • Podcasts
  • Polls
  • Post 'Em
  • Presentations
  • Resources
  • Roster
  • Schedule
  • Search
  • Syllabus 
  • Test & Quizzes
  • Web Content
  • Wiki

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Have Not Used


Additional Information About Using <Sakai> For Courses



Comments / Notes

Do you think using <Sakai> has affected your instructors' use of in-class time? If so, how?

Open-ended qualitative response box


Have you used any non-<Sakai> learning technologies for your courses?
If so, which ones and how have you used them? 

Open-ended qualitative response box


 (optional section) Using <Sakai> For Projects



Comments / Notes

Please rate your agreement with the following statements about your project-related
activities: Using <Sakai> is valuable for...

  • Academic writing (e.g., article or book chapter editing)
  • Administrative activities (e.g., search committees, departmental information)
  • Faculty research (e.g., funded projects, proposals)
  • Managing special events (e.g., conferences, guest lectures, etc.)
  • Non-academic activities (e.g., clubs, teams, fraternity/sorority, etc.)
  • Personal use (e.g., place to store work, backup files, etc.)
  • Student-initiated research projects
  • Student work (e.g., team project, study group)
  • Teaching coordination (e.g., GSI-only sites)
  • Training (e.g., lab orientation, dept. staff training, etc.)

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Have Not Used


Participants on my project sites typically include (check all that apply):

  • Only myself (no other site participants)
  • <Institution> undergraduate students
  • <Institution> graduate students
  • Non-<Institution> students (attending a different institution)
  • <Institution> instructors / faculty / researchers
  • Non-<Institution> instructors / faculty / researchers (teach/work at a different institution)
  • <Institution> staff
  • Non-<Institution> staff (work at a different institution)
  • Other (please specify):

Check box selection


Have you used any non-<Sakai> collaborative technologies for your projects?
If so, which ones and how have you used them? 

Open-ended qualitative response box


Help and Support for <Sakai>



Comments / Notes

(Modify for your local implementation)
What is the most effective way you get help with <Sakai>? Please select one.

  • Attend a <Sakai> workshop or help session
  • Email <Sakai> Support staff 
  • Call <Sakai> Support staff
  • Instant Message <Sakai> Support staff
  • Ask a <Institution> Computing Consultant at a Campus Computing Site
  • Ask the IT support staff in my unit/department
  • Consult the online help documentation
  • Ask a classmate, friend, or roommate
  • Ask my instructor
  • Keep trying on my own

Radio button selection

Same as for teachers, we have an electronic ticketing system that we'd like to add. "Completed electronic help ticket or form?" (srehberg GT)
Add "Other" option (stephanie, yitna -- uva)

You should modify the Support questions to fit your local implementation. Note that adding an "other" option adds to your amount of qualitative data to evaluate & code. In our past experience, most "other" answers are not very informative (Steve & Stephanie, Michigan).

(optional) How satisfied are you with the quality of support you've received from <Sakai> Support staff?

  • Via email
  • Via telephone
  • Via instant message

5-point Likert scale
(plus N/A):

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied
  • Have Not Used


What is the most important improvement you want in <Sakai>?

Open-ended qualitative response box


Goodbye Screen Message (Adapt as necessary for your local survey):

Thank you for participating in the annual <Sakai> survey. Gift certificate winners will be notified via email in May.

If you have additional comments about <Sakai>, please contact <local email address>

The basic <Sakai> architecture is based on the Sakai community-source Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE). Over 150 partner institutions help develop and support Sakai collaboratively and through this collaboration, Sakai is constantly being updated and improved. As a member institution, <Institution> can propose changes to Sakai that may be implemented by the entire community. These system-wide changes can then be used to update <Sakai>. For more information about Sakai, please visit:

(Embed link) Go to <Sakai> Now