TCC Meeting 2011-05-12

Tentative Topics

Discussion Opportunity w/ Ian Dolphin

Time for the TCC members to speak with the Sakai Executive Director

Project Coordination Meetings in LA

Preparation for the CLE project coordination meetings in LA. Including agenda writing, establish ground rules for meeting, assign out preparation tasks, ect . .

TCC Membership

Time to review current committee membership & participation.  

  • As per our governance, TCC members who fail to participate actively in the work of the TCC over a 12 month period or who are unable to participate in TCC work due to other responsibilities will be accorded "emeritus" (inactive) status and their binding vote will be suspended. 

Are there additions to the committee? 

Evaluation of TCC

Discussion on proceeding with the formal evaluation of the Sake CLE TCC

Possible Proposal:   Approach this evaluation with three prongs: 

  1. TCC Members provide written evaluation of TCC activities
  2. Solicit specific individuals for feedback
  3. Short Survey that is circulated to the community

Notes will be taken