Authoring Summit - Desired Outcomes

See also UI and UX issues, Technical Issues and Project Planning

Mark's View on Dearborn Outcomes

  1. We need to have a clear understanding of what we are trying to build.
  2. Where possible, these should be refined into requirements and captured (Noah suggested that clickable prototypes could be expected from the summit).
  3. Make a high level decision on how this project should progress.
  4. Define concrete next steps.

See also, Michael's document .

What do we need to accomplish to get started on this project?

  1. Identify the high level scenarios:
    1. Site pages (CARET Portal, Anthony & Josh's tool)
    2. Educational Content (SCORM, Sousa)
    3. Search and Research (Sakaibrary)
    4. Portfolio
    5. What else?
  2. What are the fundamental elements used to create content (independent of layout)?
  3. Separate the what from the how (requirements vs. project plan)
  4. Design and develop a shared service (or set of services) that enable focused applications to be developed.
  5. A plan for quick development of a simple tool for free-form page composition (possibly) based on work done by Josh Ryan, Anthony White and others - targeting the 'site pages' and some of 'portfolio' scenarios above. If possible, consideration of how this can be extended for structured content to include the rest of the 'portfolio' scenario and the Search and Research scenario.
  6. An agreed approach for making web2 authoring available throughout sakai ("web2 authoring" refers to most of the "features" listed in the UI and UX issues page).
  7. (An) agreed approach(es) for technical support of linking to sakai entities and creating new sakai entities in the context of authoring activity within sakai and/or a clear understanding of how the entity concept needs to develop to be more useful in this context.
  8. A project plan with specific commitments of resources for design, development and testing as described in the Project Planning page.
  9. Understand goals, commonality and differences among all current content authoring related projects in sakai with a view to identifying scope for collaboration.
  10. Understand short-term as well as long-term goals for supporting authoring in sakai.
  11. A "high-level" project plan that show the tasks involved with this work, along with some estimates of time for producing the short-term and long-term solution.
  12. Develop specifications for UI to support authoring