Release Communications Plan

1) Before sending out communications, insure that following documentation is updated:

2) Communicate technical details, specifically how to access the release artifacts, to the QA, Dev, and Prod lists

3) Communicate to the broader community the main changes, in non-technical terms, for the release. Include QA, Dev, Prod and add Internationalization, Accessibility, Sakai User, Pedagogy, and Documentation.

4) Post a highlighted news item to the web site.

5) Social media - Post to Facebook as Sakai Project by adding a Milestone and to Twitter as a Tweet from SakaiProject

6) Send out an Apereo Announcement

7) Should go to outlets outside of the community (Educause... others?)

8) Security report should go to within a week after the release, at most. 

9) Press release? Check with Ian D.

10) Update version data in JIRA (ie. set release date, create a placeholder for a future maintenance release, etc).  Sakai, KNL, LSNBLDR, Samigo.