(active) Sakai 10.2 RC01 Testing

Sakai 10 Test Fest

Sakai 10.2-RC01

The job of QA testers is to break Sakai. We want to find as many bugs as possible so that they can get fixed before a community release. RC01 is the first release candidate for Sakai 10.2. This means we are almost ready to release 10.2 and only "blocker" bugs will get attention.

  • Google doc - for signing up for testing and verifying Jiras **
  • SAK-27948 - Getting issue details... STATUS - add new bugs you find to this issue.


** Jiras have been verified on trunk, but need to be verified again in the context of the 10.2 release.


QA meeting

QA check-in - no QA meeting currently scheduled - TBD




Before you start!

Create a Jira account: https://jira.sakaiproject.org

Subscribe to the QA email group: http://collab.sakaiproject.org/mailman/listinfo/sakai-qa

Jira Process

  1. Sakai Jira Guidelines
  2. Everyone with a Jira account can create tickets, sub-tickets, search the system and add comments. Anybody can make a Jira account for him/herself. Others have additional permissions to update the fields on the ticket to reflect current status. If you think you need this level of access contact neal.caidin@apereo.org
  3. Updating a ticket with the "Tested" button - to verify a ticket requires clicking on the "Tested" button. You must be logged in to Jira and part of the Jira QA group. If you wish to be added to this group contact neal.caidin@apereo.org . 




Test Plan Overview

Sakai 10.2-RC01 Test Plan


Verifying fixed Jiras plus Smoke testing.

Email questions to the Sakai QA list (preferred) or the Sakai Coordinator (aka Neal).


If you find a bug

If you find a bug in Sakai 10, please test to see if the issue exists on 10.x on server - Sakai nightly 10.x . This will help determine if it is a regression.

To Get Your QA questions answered

To get your questions about QA testing answered, please email the QA group at sakai-qa@collab.sakaiproject.org or directly to Neal Caidin - Sakai Community Coordinator