Core Package Tests


Test framework use JMeter to perform load tests.

Core package provides different tests made for different versions of Sakai.

You could create your own package see custom test in 10 minutes.

Run Tests

In order to run test type:

mvn clean test site [-Dtest-artifactId=your-package] [-Dtest-version=X.Y.Z]

By default groupId is so probably you don't have to change it.

Complete explanation of all options could be found at readme.txt file in the source repository.

Important: In the default folder there are two test files. Chronos Report Plugin only support one, so typing mvn clean test site fails. You should add -Dtest-file=your-favourite-file to avoid build failure.

Test Results

Results of maven command are stored in html format inside tests/target/site dir.
Here is an example of create results.

In order to index all the results in one page type:

mvn site -Preport

This command produces the complete site.