QA jira queries

The rough idea is to automate the following using Jira web services, to improve the workflow and distribute work fairly.

1) Get a list of all the "dead" users with assigned open issues - this
would would anyone who was not logged in for 3 (or something) months.
They should have all issues unassigned from them. They should also be
removed from being the lead for a component if they are one. May be
worth downgrading them out of the developer list as well.

2) Identify users with more than 25 assigned tickets as warning users
and more than 35 as danger level - tickets should be unassigned until
the count is below 25. Work with the users on this if they are

3) Review the oldest issues and begin eliminating duplicates and
issues we know are already resolved - this may require an extra field
or something to identify a ticket has been reviewed, spend about 1
minute or so on each ticket and then move on, if the issue is resolved
in trunk then it is fixed, we will not backport fixes to resolve
issues during this cleanup phase, issues that look like low hanging
fruit should go into the main team bucket

4) Full review of all unassigned issues to ensure they are are in the
right groups and handle any issues that could not be reviewed in under
a minute.