

Based on:

  • Initial manipulation of commit data by Charles Severance
  • The commit logs since the start and Findbugs report from 20 January 2009 pulled out of .externals
  • Static code analysis

I have converted raw data into TM3 format (find attached) which you can review via Jtreemap
( To run, download, unpackage and then click on /docs/jtreemap.jnlp

Process Change

  1. A few organisations and individuals commit a lot (figure 1, figure 2) therefore focussed peer reviews of the top ten- twenty individuals will help find bad habits and quickly improve forward going quality.
  2. I would also suggest peer reviews of the largest bug density projects as shown in figure 4.
  3. As we go on the Kernel should have a very low bug density and at present, it is mid ranking.
  4. Samigo may have an Internationalization issue.
  5. There are a lot more conclusions that one can make with the data through different visualisations and statistics.

Screengrabs plus comments


Figure 1:  Email domains per Project

Some teams are much more busy than others


Figure 2: Commit activity per

Some individuals are  much more busy than others

Figure 3: No unique email addresses vs project

Nice to see that documentation was worked on by the largest group.

Figure 4: Bug density vs Total number lines of code
Though samigo, kernel have medium level bug density because of the the code size they have a significant total number of percieved defects.

Figure 5: Bug density vs Total Internationalization bugs per project
Samigo may have an issue with accented characters (especially in Turkish).

Figure 6: Bug density vs Total security related bugs per project

OK, we need to verify if the security bug patterns are relevant and if so remove them from the Kernel

 Figure 7: Committers vs date

 Ok, so the growth in number of committers  may of topped off in 2007

Figure 8: Animated gif (1 sec delay)time series of Email domain for first 19 months.

I consider this a failed test of using animated gifs.

Notice that there is an archive file as an attachment that breaks down treemaps per month.

Figure 8: Animated gif (2 sec delay) Commits per person summed over a given month.

Figure 9: Total commits per email domain


Figure 9: Animated Gif (2 sec delay) Commits per email domain summed over a given month