
Types of issues found


  • Catching and ignoring issues (sweeping problems under the carpet)
  • Duplicate code (Pattern issues)
  • Large class files (Pattern issues)
  • Unused resources (Junk DNA)
  • System outs (Failure to use the logging infrastructure)
  • Unnecessary creation of objects (Performance)
  • Common programming errors (generation of nullpointer exceptions under certain circumstances etc)


I am a great admirer of logging frameworks such as Log4j. The frameworks have great advantage over simple System.out. You may choose the logging format, the device (e.g.: log file, Syslog email) and filter information. Further, log rotation becomes simple and configuration is left to simple property files at runtime. Therefore, when I see System.out and stack tracers I see a decrease in flexibility and maintenance. The static code analysis is helpful in the removal of the entropy decay via the following measurements:
