Sakai email lists

Please join those you're interested in at the following links. We recommend joining "Sakai-Users" as your first list. You'll find all our lists (as of 2017)  here:!forumsearch/Sakai

Sakai Community members are also very active in the Apereo Teaching & Learning interest group



Archives from the old email lists are at

Sakai Coordinator

To contact the Sakai Community Coordinator email  .

To subscribe or unsubscribe to email groups

Send an email to the relevant email address by adding "+subscribe" or "+unsubscribe" to the email address. For example, sending an email to will subscribe you to the email list.

Google App Institutions

  • If you are part of an institution that uses Google Apps, and your institutional settings do not allow you to post via the web forum, you should be able to send email to the list, just not post via the web. 
  • In some cases, your institutional settings may not allow you to subscribe using the email method nor using the web. In this case, please email the list owner to subscribe using the formula (list)  For example, email and ask to subscribe.


Archives of the old Collab lists are available.

Calendar of Activities

Sakai Calendar - HTML

Sakai Calendar - iCal subscription


If you can't find your  "at" on the Apereo signup page then send an email requesting access for yourself and your institution either to or .

We currently have Slack groups for Sakai developers, Sakai Morpheus (responsive design), Sakai QA and for Apereo we have Tsugi , Release engineering, uPortal, UX .