Proposal: Replace Roster with Roster 2, fully retire Profile 1


1. Remove Roster 1. 
2. Add Roster 2.
3. Fully remove Profile 1. The tool has been deprecated and removed for some time, the API is the only part remaining.
Roster 1 has been without proper community support for some time. When Profile2 was developed (2008, released 2009), both Profile2 and Profile1 ran side by side. The Profile1 tool was eventually deprecated and removed from the release in 2.8. However, due to architectural requirements, the Profile2-Roster1 integration depended on the Profile1 API and this is still deployed in the release. 

Roster2 was subsequently developed (2010) with the same UI and base feature set as Roster1, but in a newer UI technology and more functionality. The Roster2-Profile2 integration uses EntityBroker and thus there is no direct API dependency between the two.

Due to the evolution of Profile2 and the number of image, privacy and preference combinations available, the Profile2-Roster 1 doesn't work fully, and no more work will be spent in this area.
The Roster2-Profile2 link is a complete integration and respects all privacy and preference configurations. With this tool in place, the Profile1 API can be fully retired.
Roster2 is a contrib tool, currently in use at a number of sites including Lancaster University and New York University [1].
Roster2 is currently deployed on the nightly+experimental server [2].
Roster2 is currently maintained by Adrian Fish and Steve Swinsburg.
Where to from here

Read the rationale above. A material objection (indicated by a -1 and accompany reasoning) raised by a Sakai PMC member will block this proposal.  Other opinions are welcome, indeed encouraged. Silence equals consent. Discussion should be on the sakai-dev list unless of a private nature in which case I am happy to correspond off list. Objections must be received before Friday 22nd November 2013 (two weeks from now).