Explore the tools

Explore the tools

Perhaps the best way to get familiar with the capabilities of the OSP tools is to import some working examples of the data structures that others have created with them. The community is slowly growing a library of teaching practices and example "data structures" (forms, matrices, wizards and portfolio templates) that can be imported into a Sakai instance and used. The examples listed in the community library may be good starting points for your own portfolio development.

Setup a demo site

On a test instance of Sakai, create a new portfolio worksite with the following tools:

  • Evaluations
  • Forms
  • Glossary
  • Matrices
  • Portfolio Templates
  • Portfolios
  • Resources
  • Wizards

    ...and add users for each role:
  • Coordinator
  • Participant
  • Evaluator
  • Reviewer

Import and export a form

To download a form definition and deploy it in your own instance of Sakai:

  1. Search the OpenEdPractices.org web site (the community library) for examples of OSP forms
  2. Click on the name of the form you wish to try
  3. Download the attached zip file (if the form is uploaded as an XSD file, you will not be able to import it)
  4. Click on the "Forms Tool"
  5. Click "Import" in the tool menu
  6. Upload the zip file to resources and import it

Recreate an Existing Portfolio Best Practice from the Community Library

Many of the portfolio tools can be used in conjunction to knit together a complete user experience. Matrices, Wizards and Templates can be mixed to present the student with a variety of prompts to upload, compose and select content that they would like to share with others.
The community library at openedpractices.org is a resource where you can learn how other institutions have built their portfolio systems and download the data structures needed to recreate in your Sakai instance.

  1. Search the OpenEdPractices.org web site (the community library) for a best practice that seems close to what you would like to implement for your institution.
  2. Download the supporting data structures (if present) to your machine.
  3. Import each of the data structures into the appropriate tools.