MySakai Introduction

Contrib: My Sakai


Former user (Deleted)


MySakai is a collection of project that all have to goal to make Sakai more user-centered and improve the User Experience within Sakai.

Sakai Widgets for FaceBook, iGoogle, Mac Dashboard, Vista Dashboard, ...

"My Sakai" makes it possible to get your files and announcements, and keep track of what's going on in your Sakai sites, straight from your desktop. For example, a student engrossed in writing an essay, who suddenly realises they need to check something in a document in their course site, can open it straight from their desktop widget, without having to break off and navigate through Sakai to find it.

"My Sakai" widgets show you recent activity on all of the worksites you're a member of. This means that the widget will tell you when a new announcement or a new resource has been added. The widgets also provide synoptic views of Resources and Announcements.

We have created widgets for Mac DashBoard, Vista Sidebar, Facebook, iGoogle, Google Desktop, and RSS.

You can find the Contrib page about the MySakai widgets over here: Widgets Home

MyCamTools (Client Side Development) / Cambridge Production Instance

MyCamTools is, for the people that haven't seen it yet, a first step in trying to improve the User Experience for the Cambridge users, and is also a proof of concept of what can be achieved using client side development. This development is based on HTML + JSON + JavaScript and is being fed by the SData service and has proven to be remarkably quicker in terms of time and gives us more flexibility. This allowed us to get out to users in shorter cycles.

You can find the Contrib page about MyCamTools over here: MyCamTools Home

Sakai 3 project (Client Side Development)

The Sakai 3 project is using Client Side development + RESTful JSON datafeeds as the development approach.

A technical presentation about Client Side development: Workshop.pdf
An example widget used in an AuSakai 2008 workshop: