2010-03-24 Product Council Meeting
5pm GMT / 1pm EDT
Phone number: 1 (812)856-7060
Room code: 348#
Password: 72524#
- Review deprecation recommendations
- Community criteria updates
- Relationship of PC wrt other teams
- Nate Angell
- Eli Cochran
- Stephen Marquard
- Noah Botimer
- David Goodrum
- Clay Fenlason
- Michael Feldstein
- John Lewis
- John Norman (from 17:30)
Useful Links
This Meeting's etherpad (Meeting notes have been added below. The EtherPad service will be going away on May 14th)
Last meeting's etherpad: http://etherpad.com/8Mwo4toTGt
Meeting Notes
(Reminder) GOALS:
- Shepherd new Sakai 2 tools/capabilities through the process
- Facilitate Sakai 2 -> Sakai 3 transition planning
- Develop criteria and process for moving from incubation to product development (This was left ambiguous as the product development process was defined), with a particular focus on S3.
- Facilitate development of objective criteria for S3
- Review of PC activity and recommendations going forward. Test whether expectations are being met.
1) Review deprecation recommendations:
   - the PC's role wrt release management
   - different expectation about what the PC is and should be doing
   - whether PC is assuming responsibility for things that used to be RM and QA
       a) healthy for community if we spelled out groups and teams and respective remits - some published page
       b) lack of overlap btw RM and PC meetings; should have a liaison so that expectations don't diverge without realizing it. Perhaps PC members could rotate to join RM meetings so we all learn more
   - a lot of overlap btw RM and QA, which makes some things easier, but doesn't include PC
   - difference between maintenance team and kernel team? Some MT issues may really be kernel team issues. And these issues don't really need to come to PC.
   - clearer survey of impact of JCR work; may have jumped too quickly to stipulation rather than assessing impact
   - PC's role might help by showing how impact should be demonstrated, and what a good process would be - talking about what the right process should be to arrive at "environmental impact" report
   - it's not always clear to people how they might be affected
   - critria for deprecation would include question of impact beyond immediate case (eg, static covers deprecation's effect on web services that might not know about their dependency)
   - next step: some agreement on deprecation policy
   - next step: identify areas that are problematic and sketch out a different sort of process
   - kernel utils and static covers: PC should be consulted, but not decide
   - PC's role: to help steer them to community-based consensus
   - avoid situation where PC needs to approve a long list of code changes
   - normal situation: RM, QA, MT agree, no obvious problem
   - abnormal situation: no consensus view - PC as court of appeal
   1) what evidence do you have that the community agrees with proposal?
   2) is the decision consistent w/ past practices? or why not?
   - preference should be that PM is asking those questions, and only goes to PC if it's not working and a decision is required.
2) Community criteria updates
- Incubation v. Product Development - http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/2010-03-16+Incubation+vs.+Product+Development+meeting
- Technical
- T&L
- Accessibility
3) Project Coordination meetings at the conference - Sunday (starting at ?)
- Friday (ending at ?)