2010-2-24 Product Council Meeting
6pm GMT / 1pm EST
Phone number: 1 (812)856-7060
Room code: 348#
Password: 72524#
- Recruit volunteers for next steps from last meeting's discussion
- Preliminary Assignment 2 review
- Talk to Emmanuel about getting OpenSyllabus incubated (Clay)
- Preliminary Incubation -> Product Development criteria for S3
- Set up Sakai 3 accessibility testing with accessibility WG
- Develop our UX criteria - needs thinking from the ground up
- Develop technical metrics for Nakamura and client-side technologies
- Review current S3 roadmap
- John Lewis
- Nate Angell
- Michael Feldstein
- Noah Botimer
- Pieter Hartsook
- Stephen Marquard
- Max Whitney
- Clay Fenlason
- David Goodrum
Useful Links
http://etherpad.com/iz7w7GClY6This meeting's etherpad (Meeting notes have been copied from EtherPad below. The EtherPad service will be going away on May 14th)
SPC Report for January 2010
Last meeting's etherpad: http://etherpad.com/WLQhg9DaCX
Meeting Notes
(Reminder) Goals from last meeting:
- Shepherd new Sakai 2 tools/capabilities through the process
- Assignments2, OpenSyllabus?
- Facilitate Sakai 2 -> Sakai 3 transition planning
- Develop criteria and process for moving from incubation to product development (This was left ambiguous as the product development process was defined), with a particular focus on S3.
- Facilitate development of objective criteria for S3
- Identify 3.0 functional target functional goals and criteria
- Review of PC activity and recommendations going forward. Test whether expectations are being met.
Agenda for this meeting:
1. Next steps: homework for next meeting
- Preliminary Assignment 2 review (Clay, Stephen M)
- Talk to Emmanuel about getting OpenSyllabus incubated (Clay)
- Preliminary Incubation -> Product Development criteria for S3 (Michael F, Nate, Max, Noah)
- Review Sakai 3 "capabilities" template as a possible criteria publication location: http://wiki.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/Sakai+3+Capabilities
- Set up Sakai 3 accessibility testing with accessibility WG (Eli)
- statement out to community
- Localization? (Michael K recruiting in Spain, with help from Nate)
- Develop our UX criteria - needs thinking from the ground up (Eli and Noah)
- document process so far, some Sakai case studies
- What about establishing a group of UX "committers" who have approval authority of designs?
- the kinds of questions and anwers you would look for
- socialize high-quality UX
- Do we need another product council member to help out here?
- Develop technical metrics for Nakamura and client-side technologies (Max W., John N? Stephen M) - eg. performance,
- Document choices made, and rationales
- Pushed so much to the front-end, good reason to keep them together
- Turn R&D decisions into community decisions
- Implications for consistent UX of RESTful boundary
- T&L group still producing themes and narratives (David G and Clay)
2. Review current S3 roadmap and challengesS3 knowns/unknowns identified in incubation documentation:
- migration paths facilitated by hybrid mode
- but what are the costs in terms of infrastructure and technical risk? Community needs to be able to understand this and make informed decisions.
- Project management
- Foundation beginning to try to coordinate a managed development model between institutions, with steering committee and staff directed by a single project manager
- Client-side technologies
- this is somewhat new for Sakai, with implications for staffing and technical risk
Cambridge deployment milestones between now and the conference:
Milestone 1 (end of March):Â a new dashboard and sets the whole Sakai experience in an Academic (social) Networking frame that supports user-defined contacts and chat/messaging between contacts.
- Sakai 3 personal dashboard contains a required (but movable) Site List widget.
- Site List contains only Sakai 2 sites.
- Sakai 2 personal workspace pinned to top of Site List as per MyCamTools 'Personal Tools'. [subject to agreement that keeping it in a site metaphor is good]
- People Tab only allows browsing of profiles (new).
- Content and Media tab uses Files widget service to produce some elementary interaction and search with Sakai 2 content. Does not include tagging or other innovations.
- Courses and Sites offers some modified interactions based on the "courses and projects" page (allowing join/leave interactions) in Sakai 2.
- An Events tab - displays basic list of featured talks.
Milestone 2 : As milestone 1, but with expanded features for browsing, searching an organizing the talks in the events tab.
Milestone 3 (June/July - realistic): As milestone 1, but People Tab includes groups and group membership information/management (feeding through to Sakai 2 sites, incorporating external membership 'feeds', but reflecting changes made using Sakai 2 UI)
Milestone 4 (June/July - optimistic): Site List contains Sakai 2 and Sakai 3 sites (requires Sakai 3 site
creation) with only a basic set of functionality (widgets) available in Sakai 3
sites.## Self-serve site creation for sites with certain designations (may be all) 2
- Admin-only site creation (with workflow) for sites with other designation (i.e. a certain set of sites can be associated with an approval workflow e.g. all course sites in the Business School)