Messages Settings - Feature Request

I am put on "paper" some of the feature requests that came from the Messages & Forums BOF last week.

Known Configurations:

OOTB Messages:

  1. Internal Sakai Messaging Service (no option for sending copies as email):  This seems to be the original intent of the tool.  In this case the site maintainer intends users to compose, send, and reply to messages within the tool itself.
  2. Internal Sakai Messaging Service with ability of user to forward received messages to an email address:  In this case, some users may choose to do all of their messaging within the tool, but others can opt to receive those messages at any address they like by entering it in the settings.
  3. Internal Sakai Messaging Service with option to send copies as email:  If the maintainer chooses (roles with msg.emailout), they can allow all members of the site to send copies of the internal message out to users' official email address within Sakai.

UCB Messages:

We have forked from OOTB Messages and ungracefully removed the Settings link for all users to control the user experience.

  1. Internal/External Messaging Service:  Email copies of all messages sent within the tool are sent to users.  Copies of these messages are stamped with the sender's official email address using the optional
  2. Internal/External Messaging Service for specific roles:  We have added a permission to our build, msg.send, that controls which roles have the ability to send messages.  This feature is in response to requests from large classes to deny students the ability to send messages.  In this use case, roles without msg.send can receive, organize, and search their messages.

Messages Settings Mockups

Here is a possible alternative to the existing Messages settings page.  I think that it covers all of the configurations above.