
Messages & Forums (ie Message Center)


Former user (Deleted) & Former user (Deleted)


Message Center (MSGCNTR) is a coupling of tools:

  • Forums is a communication tool that instructors or site leaders can use to create an unlimited number of discussion forums for their course or project sites. The Forums tool is designed to be an effective tool for both academic and collaborative work, and is integrated closely with other tools such as Resources and Gradebook.
  • Messages is a communication tool that allows site participants to communicate using internal course mail. In addition, it supports messaging between groups.
  • Synoptic view

Release Info

NOTE Due to performance issues in 2.7.0 and 2.7.1, we recommend a minimum of 2.7.2 and highly recommend the most recent 2.7 release.
  2.7.4 - Released on March 29, 2011
  2.7.0 Release - Released on June 8, 2010

  2.8.0 Release - Released on April 12, 2011

Plans & Status

Beginning with the Sakai 2.7 release, Message Center is on an independent release cycle.


Test Cases 


Source Code

Trunk:   https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/msgcntr
Tags:    https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/msgcntr/tags/


Please file bug reports or feature requests in the Messages & Forums Project in Sakai's JIRA instance: https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/MSGCNTR


Suggestions for Future Features

Prior Releases


Recent updates

There are no recent updates at this time.