Sakai 23 LDAP & CAS Configuration

Here is a procedure for setting up CAS authentication and LDAP attribute retrieval :

CASsifier Sakai :

For sakai cassification you can refer to the documentation :

Modify the file as follows to add CAS authentication and authentication for so-called guest members

=> here's my file

# ########################################################################
  # ########################################################################
  # Include the user id and password for login on the gateway site
  # Let the container handle login or not.
  # Set to true for single-sign on type setups, false for just internal login.
    container.login = true
  # Login icon (uses container auth)
  # set to cas_login when CAS is in use
  # Controls 2nd button (bypasses container auth)
  # Logout icon
  # the URL to send folks to after they logout

Apply CAS for Sakai login

1.Edit the /webapps/sakai-login-tool/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml file by uncomment below tag:

<import resource="xlogin-context.cas3.xml" />

2.Edit the  /webapps/sakai-login-tool/WEB-INF/xlogin-context.cas3.xml file by adjust URLs of CAS and your Sakai.

Add  LDAP to Sakai

Edit the components.xml file

de-comment the following passage:

        <import resource="unboundid-ldap.xml" />

Edit the unboundid-ldap.xml file
