Sakai 12 upgrade information

About this page

This page is focused on upgrading from Sakai 11 to Sakai 12. It provides a link (below) to the Sakai 11 upgrade information that you will need if you are upgrading first to Sakai 11. Do that first and then come back here for the final steps to migrate to Sakai 12.

Select here to upgrade to Sakai 11, a prerequisite for upgrading to Sakai 12. If you are already on Sakai 11, you can ignore this link.

1.0 Database Conversion Scripts

Please run ALL the scripts from your original version to the version to which you are upgrading. There are two sets of database upgrade scripts, one for MySQL and one for Oracle. Use the appropriate scripts for your database type.

2.0 Post upgrade conversion scripts

2.1 Assignments Tool conversion (Sakai 11 to Sakai 12)

(warning) The Assignments tool data schema was refactored between Sakai 11 to Sakai 12.

NB: For this reason Assignments exported in the Site Archive from Sakai 11 or earlier will not import into Sakai 12.

Assignment conversion (11-12)

  •  After running all of the database conversion scripts you will not have any assignments in the assignment tool.
  •  You should login to your system as admin, go to the Job Scheduler tool.
  •  Click the Jobs tab, then New Job
  •  For the name use "Assignment Conversion" and select the type "Assignment 12 conversion". The defaults should be sufficient.
  •  Click on the button Trigger(0) next to this job, and click Run Job Now.

This process should convert all previous assignments over to the new format. It may take from 1-4 hours depending on how many assignments you have. You should only need to run this once but it will not re-process any assignments. See for more information.

2.2 Job Scheduler Tool conversion (Sakai 11 to Sakai 12)

(warning) The Job Scheduler was updated in Sakai 12 to run ScheduledInvocationManager jobs in quartz rather than in a thread.  SAK-31819 - Move ScheduledInvocationManager implementation into Quartz RESOLVED  Most of these were related to future notifications. 

Job Scheduler (11-12)

  •  After running all of the database conversion scripts you need to update the Scheduled Invocation Jobs
  •  You should login to your system as admin, go to the Job Scheduler tool.
  •  Click the Jobs tab, then New Job
  •  For the name use "Job Scheduler Conversion" and select the type "Scheduler: Migrate pre 12 scheduler_delayed_invocation jobs to 12 format (Run once)".  There is no additional configuration
  •  Click on the button Trigger(0) next to this job, and click Run Job Now.

This process should convert all previous jobs over, it should run quickly as there usually aren't many jobs and finish. This will result in your scheduler_delayed_invocation table being empty.

3.0 Browser Compatibility

Sakai 12 is designed to work with modern browsers. Recommended browsers (those with the most QA testing effort against them) are Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft Edge and IE 11 should work fine. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Sakai (pre-Sakai 11), please make sure that you don't have the property X-UA-Compatible:IE set, or it may make Microsoft IE 11 behave as though it is an earlier browser version and therefore not work. Sakai should work on most modern tablet and mobile devices. 

4.0 Upgrading the Sakai skin