Copy of Db Conversion (2.x)

1.0 Database Conversions

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1.1 Database Conversion Script Corrections

Update SAKAI_SITE_TOOL table to replace sakai.assignments with sakai.assignments.grade in Mercury site ( SAK-14482 - Getting issue details... STATUS )

The "mercury" site includes the old sakai.assignment tool which has been deprecated since the release of Sakai 2.5.0. The conversion scripts below replace it with the current sakai.assignment.grades tool.

2.6.0 to 2.6.1 conversion scripts update, 19 Oct 2009 ( SAK-17219 - Getting issue details... STATUS , SAK-1654 - Getting issue details... STATUS )

Matt Jones of the University of Michigan reports that the original 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 conversion script that operates on assignment_content table "is inefficient, potentially locks tables and performs too many scans, especially if there are hundreds of thousands of rows." Matt has revised both the MySQL and Oracle conversion scripts to improve their performance.

Assignments conversion script column conversion change, 1 Sept 2009 ( SAK-16668 - Getting issue details... STATUS )

(minus) Assignments / private notes and model answers do not display proper error message for text over 255 characters. If you upgraded to Sakai 2.6.0 PRIOR TO 1 September 2009 you must run the following column conversion. You should check your columns as they should be converted from varchar to text (or just run the conversion anyway as it is safe to rerun, which is why they are uncommented).

-- SAK-16668
-- Note: If you upgraded to sakai 2.6.0 PRIOR TO September 1st 2009 you'll need to run this column conversion.
-- You should probably check your columns as they should be converted from varchar to text
-- (Or just run them anyway as it is safe to rerun, which is why they are uncommented)

2.6.0 conversion script update, 22 July 2009 ( SAK-16751 - Getting issue details... STATUS )

(minus) John Leasia of the University of Michigan reports an issue with the 2.6.0 conversion scripts with respect to the new permission site.add.course. Currently, the conversion script adds site.add.course to the user account template realms with a .auth role (good) but also "backfills" and adds the permission to other templates since the backfill SQL filters on all realms with a .auth role. The account template realms are all that should be updated since these templates are used for all accounts associated with the template (all registered accounts, all sample accounts, etc.). Since users do not have their own realm that determines whether or not they can add a site or add a course site backfilling is unnecessary and adding site.add.course to all template realms with a .auth role may not square with an institution's permission strategy.

We have commented out this portion of the script and committed the changes to trunk and the 2.6.x maintenance branch. We recommend that users run the updated 2.6.x conversion scripts.







1.3 Other Database Conversions

Sakai 2.6 also includes data and schema conversions outside the standard scripts to address data integrity issues for assignments, content hosting and email archive. Below is a quick summary and overview of the process for each tool.

1.3.1 Email Archive performance improvements

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1.3.2 Assignments Tool

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1.3.3 Content Hosting

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2.0 changes

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3.0 Deprecated Discussion Tool

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