Program Committee Notes of April 14, 2011


2011 Program Committee Meeting
April 14,  2011


  • Lynn Ward, Indiana University
  • Mary Miles, Sakai Foundation
  • Debbie Smith, CONCENTRA-CMS
  • Brian Dashew, Marist College
  • Michelle Ziegmann, UC Berkeley
  • Rob Coyle, Johns Hopkins
  • Lance Speelmon, Indiana/SakaiF
  • Doug Johnson, UF
  • Ian Dolphin
  • Lucy Appert, NYU/OAE project
  • John Lewis, Unicon
  • Kim Thanos
  • Kate Ellis, Indiana University

Initial discussion about registration costs, room planning and other logistics
Rating scale??
I believe that this is what was discussed on the last call. My interpretation of how I would look at the numbers in the rating scale:
1 = Poor/not applicable, do not want to schedule
2 = Not applicable, not well written, probably best to not schedule
3 = Just OK, could take it or leave it
4 = Good, relevant info, want to get into the schedule if possible
5 = Great, must schedule
Who is rating what (review)?
Other items?
1) How do we handle proposals that should be in a different category or 2) might merit cross-listing?
    1. Contact other category leader and refer proposal for feedback.
    2. Clearly indicate "Should be cross-listed with [track]." "Cross-listed" is the magic
Hey Michelle (et al.): Last week's notes:
Registration update

  • 53 registered as of today
    Pre-Conference Workshops
  • Opencast Matterhorn 9
  • Boot Camp 4
  • Getting Started wth Sakai: Evaluating and Migrating 1
  • Performing Accessibility 2
  • Showcase of Open Source Portfolios Implementation 6
  • Getting Started with Sakai: Using 1
  • How Teaching and Learning can make a difference for Sakai 10
  • Implementing Forms & Form Renderers in the Open Source Portfolios 3
    If anyone needs to change a track that was used during the submission process, send that information to Deb (Concentra) at
    "Collaboration track" add to comments if appropriate
    When combining sessions, need to communicate with presenters, so should be thumbs down
    Some session proposals may actually be tech demos
    Question--some Bofs may be sessions, some sessions may be better as BoF; how to proceed?
    By next Thursday, everyone needs to complete the rating.
    Include good notes to Kim in the comments


13:02 Lance Speelmon: will there be planning meetings before/after?13:10 Kim: We have meeting rooms for planning mtgs on Sunday and Friday.
13:12 Rob Coyle: Teaching, Learning & Portfolios reviewed all of ours as well
13:15 Kate Ellis: Please repeat thumbs up & down, I'm late.
13:16 Michelle Ziegmann: Sorry I'm behind, but where would I find those notes?
13:17 Lucy: if something is marked thumbs up it will automatically go into the program. So they are asking that we not use those icons. If we have, we should reverse it so that everything is thumbs down. I think the last part is true -- sounds a little weird. Anyone who knows differently, please jump in.
13:17 Chuck Powell: Lucy and Kate I believe that is what I heard.
13:17 Lucy: Whew. Good.
13:18 Rob Coyle: Lucy, Kate, I made note of that and can take care of it
13:18 Lucy: Thanks, Rob!
13:19 Kate Ellis: ditto.
13:20 Lucy: I sent a request by email for OAE pre and post conference meeting rooms to Kim and Mary. Is that correct? Is there somewhere else I should send or post that?
13:21 Lucy: Never mind. Just got an answer by email from Kim. Thanks!