Program Committee Notes of March 24 2011

2011 Conference Program Committee Meeting

March 24, 2011


* Mary Miles, Sakai Foundation

* Mathieu Plourde, University of Delaware

* Ian Dolphin

* Brian

* Chuck Powell

* John Lewis

* Michelle Ziegmann

* Bruce Sandhorst

* Lance Speelmon

* Lynn Ward

* Jenn Cummings


NOTE: The Calliflower reminder did not get through, use the same PIN as last time!!!!



Agenda and Minutes


Review from last week

* Sent by email just now

* Chuck to post a reminder to the Announcements list, assisted by Kim

* Check your lists, ping them!!!

* Ian to push for Europe, Australia

* Trent on AAEEBL?

* EDUCAUSE Openness list?

* Ian to remind Board to promote

Update on proposals

* Only 4 so far.

** The committee will get access to the list of proposals

** The form is fairly easy to fill in

** Cannot be submitted partially, but you can edit it. Add a mention of this.

Program Committee

* Need to get more reviewers, especially in the technical space

Advertising strategy

* Ask folks directly: Have you considered presenting this?

Pre-Conference Sessions

* Accelerated deadline, we need to know in advance

* Opencast (full), Portfolios (full), Teaching and Learning?, OAE?, Migration?, Roving Ambassadors for one-on-one discussions?

** Have informal spaces with a screen so that Ambassadors can bring a small group there and have a conversation.

Conference registration

* When will it open?

** We need the pre-conference workshops at least.

Hotel reservations

* Now open

Conference Confluence Portal

* Links to social media presence for the conference, please promote!!!


Video Recording

* 5 Opencast agents (3 from U Sask., 2 from Berkeley)


* Mathieu did a presentation to a group of students about the use of tools to prepare a conference


* Might give you a sense of what I have in mind ;-)

Social Media

Mathieu to set up a meeting

* Lance, Ian, Nicola, Kim, anyone else?

* Lance could work on something re: mobile app - yes please get me a URL is possible so that I can test it... Thanks, Lance

Chat Notes:

March 24, 2011

13:12 Michelle Ziegmann: I sent an email out yesterday to the Opencast list about the call for proposals

13:13 Mathieu Plourde: I sent an email to the Learning Technology Consortium 2 days ago.

13:34 Lance Speelmon:

13:36 Lance Speelmon: revised:

13:41 Mathieu Plourde: +1

13:44 Michelle Ziegmann: At DrupalCon earlier this month, they had a mobile app for the conference that was very useful and popular

13:45 Michelle Ziegmann: had the schedule, twitter feed, maps, etc

13:45 Michelle Ziegmann: right, they had a vendor that built it

13:47 Michelle Ziegmann: Ooh, they actually open sourced the mobile app -