Virginia Tech Regional Conference 2008

Virginia Tech Regional Conference 2008


This site provides the most up-to-date information on the upcoming Fall 2008 Regional Sakai Conference at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact the conference co-chairs: John Moore and Eddie Watson.

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Focus of the Conference

You are enthusiastically invited to be a part of the Sakai Fall 2008 Regional Conference in Blacksburg, Virginia. This conference will offer many opportunities for professional development, strategic planning, and the sharing of best practices. Proposals were invited which focused on one of two general themes: 1) pedagogy and instructional strategies supported by Sakai, and 2) migration/adoption strategies. Subthemes of this conference will include positioning Sakai as a platform for new pedagogies, student engagement, ePortfolio, and assessment. Attendees can also expect to hear discussions on faculty development, user support, marketing Sakai within a legacy scenario, diffusion strategies, and building support for change.

In addition to these sessions, meeting rooms will also be set aside to enable break out meetings, such as BOFs, plenary sessions, and other work. Reservations for these meeting spaces will take place at the conference.

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Conference Schedule

A nearly finalized schedule for this conference can be found here (Updated October 31).

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Date and Location

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Traveling to Blacksburg

See our maps page for driving directions, maps, and airport information. The nearest airport is Roanoke, VA, about an hour from Blacksburg, served by Delta, Northwest, United, and USAirway. Airport shuttle information is on the URL above. An alternative airport, 2:15 from Blacksburg, is Greensboro NC.

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Registration Information

Early bird registration for the conference is $125 for Sakai Foundation members and $175 for non-members. After October 13 the registration fee increases to $150 for members and $200 for non-members. Please register early because seats are limited. Online conference registration system is

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Conference Presentation Materials

Conference presenters are encouraged to upload their presentation materials to this location.

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