Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday September 14, 2016


Matt Clare (Brock University)
Neal Caidin (Apereo / Sakai)
Tiffany S (U.Va.)
Matt J (Longsight)
Shawn F (Western)


 rA11y Update:
Longsight confirmed their 30~+ dev hours and asked to have work assigned.  Thanks!
Bit of a dispute with SSB Bart about what our initial contract entitled us to and what our WCAG 2.0 Support Statement was to be derived from.  We have an initial version (shared during session) and an offer of 90-days interim support, and SSB is considering other solutions -- Matt Clare is waiting patiently.  I think SSB’s position is we paid for a document, not a process.  We're working through disagreement.
 rA11y JIRAs
Colour Contrast
Shawn F to take on this on and consult as needed
Off-screen text
Posted a video of the issue as it relates to chat - and confirmation that our new class works with Chrome
Ready to move to actual code changes?
Another chance to talk about validating the accessibility of documents pre-upload to Sakai.
Things to get fixed or tested for 11.2