Accessibility WG Teleconference Minutes for Wednesday February 17, 2016


Matt Clare, Neal Caidin,Dave Eveland, John Ketchen, Tiffany Stull. Laurie UVa, Matt J, Rob E, Karen M.,


Final list of items to be reviewed by SSB Bart for rA11y.
Working list [Google Sheet]

We have 40 modules and 20 tasks that can be evaluated.
Decisions factors include:

  1. known/unknown status
  2. likelihood of pass/fail
  3. complexity from a cost perspective
  4. value of an advanced/professional opinion
  5. something better reviewed by internal groups
  6. impact of area of review (ie. student facing most urgent - balanced against Instructor facing most complex and historically least reviewed)
  7. relation to current QA/Morpheus process (they're work is in a Google sheet here )
  8. others

We're relying on Gradebook NG to be accessible!

Responses was promised to SSB shortly after this call. Will ping sakai-dev in a week's time.

Building resources for the Sakai community:
Any good online training for how to operate screen readers or simulate using other assistive technology?
Basic guides for accessible content or development?
Is there an "ah ha moment" that helped you understand web accessibility that is worth sharing with others?

"What are your accessibility Testing/Uses"
Rob E - I've tested functionality with Screen readers.

  • Jaws- expensive (but the best)
  • Voiceover for Mac (We've noticed many students will use the free built in software)

Tiffany Stull - I tested the following functionality with NVDA screen reader (attempted with JAWS, but failed to access main content of page via keyboard nav because of frames):

  • Preview and view announcements after using accessibility checker in Announcements.
  • Workflow of creating a site (screen where you select the course sections/rosters) & keyboard navigation to check boxes

Dave Eveland - Johnson Univeristy uses for our primary website ( and also use it against our Sakai 10 instance for Accessibilty audits - siteimprove provides substanital WCAG feedback on just about eveyr aspect of our Lessons area content (as well as other facets of the courses we put together)

Matt Clare (and the collective Sakai accessibility legacy) - LONG list on Sakai Confluence