This section contains information that describes how to use new or modified features in Sakai.

Experimental Features in Sakai 10 (off by default):

Portal Chat (in Sakai 2.9)

Video Chat (new)

Responsive Design

Elasticsearch is the new default search tool. Set search.enable=true in Sakai properties to turn on the Search tool. ElasticSearch eliminates index corruption which made the legacy search tool not very popular. By default the Search tool is off, only sites with Search tool turned on are indexed, and it uses the standard text analyzer, all of these options are configurable. There is also a new Contrib Search tool called /wiki/spaces/SOLR/overview . Two new options for Sakai 10.

Portfolio Sites disabled by default

By default, the ability to create a portfolio site type in the Worksite Setup tool is off. This will hide the entire suite of OSP tools in the default configuration, but allow for existing portfolio sites to continue adding/removing OSP tools.

Existing OSP users should be able to easily continue to use, create and modify portfolio sites in Sakai 10.0 with the following change to

site.types = course,project,portfolio

OSP will likely not be included in Sakai 11.

Samigo feature to edit points for published assessments

This feature allow instructors who need to be able to edit points for published assessment questions to do so, then regrade and republish, on a site level which can be granted by an administrator rather than turning this option on across all of Sakai. This enhancement allows an Admin user to add this property on a site-by-site basis, based on a request from an instructor, so that a published assessment in a specific site can be edited.

* log in as an Admin, go to Administration Workspace

* use the Sites tool to find and edit the site requesting this property to be set differently than the global setting

* add a property named: samigo.editPubAssessment.restricted -- set the value to 'false' if you wish to allow a published assessment to be edited

* save the change

How it works:

* If this site property exists, obey it for the site.

* Otherwise, use the value "samigo.editPubAssessment.restricted" in

CAS configuration has changed in 10, and is easier to configure than previous. Just use this sample configuration ( in your sakai.home and set it up for your CAS. Other login filters should also work. This work was done in .
For more configuration information on the properties

Planned for Sakai 11
Major change to events.