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Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) 2.8


Sakai CLE 2.8 release dates:

2.8.3 - 15 February 2013

2.8.2 - 10 June 2012

2.8.1 - 11 October 2011

2.8.0 - 18 April 2011


The Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) is a Java-based, service-oriented web application that provides a variety of capabilities supporting teaching and learning, portfolios, research, and ad-hoc project collaboration. The Sakai CLE is typically deployed using Apache Tomcat as its servlet container and scalability is achieved by running multiple instances of Tomcat in a clustered environment, each deploying a copy of the Sakai CLE. It integrates with a variety of external authentication services including CAS, Kerberos, LDAP, Shibboleth and WebAuth. A single database, usually MySQL or Oracle, provides a transactional store of information while file storage is typically delegated to NAS or SAN solutions. In most production settings, the Sakai CLE relies on a back-end student information system (SIS) to provide it with student and course information, which the Sakai CLE consults via provider APIs.

The Sakai CLE 2.8 release builds on previous releases by refining and stabilizing the 2.x feature set. It offers dozens of new features and improvements to key areas like accessibility, internationalization, performance, and security.

The documentation is presented here for ongoing comment, correction, and clarification, so please use the "Add Comment" link at the bottom of any of these pages if you note errors, require further details or have tips to share.

What's new


System requirements










New properties, permissions


Database support


Deprecations, removals


Known issues

Indie Projects

Older Releases

The Sakai CLE 2.6 series is now unsupported. The release of Sakai CLE 2.8.0 marks the end of official community support for the Sakai 2.6 series. Organizations running Sakai CLE 2.6 (or earlier versions) are strongly encouraged to upgrade in order to take advantage of continued maintenance support. Note also that with the release of Sakai 2.9, Sakai 2.7 support has also ceased.


The Sakai CLE 2.8 series is licensed under the Educational Community License version 2.0.