LD Tool Requirements

One of the goals of learning design in Sakai is to lower the barrier to creating good technology assisted pedagogy. One of the chief advantages the Moodle has over Sakai is that it is very easy to create and add a new teaching or learning tool, in part because PHP is a very simple programming language. While Java will still present a higher hurdle to jump than PHP, it may still be possible to simplify, as much as possible tool creation.

All tools referred to in this document are LD Tools unless specifically identified as Sakai Tools or other.

User Interface Requirements

Presentation may be accomplished by any UI technology currently supported in the Sakai environment including: Servlet, JSP, Struts, JSF, and RSF.

A special tool will be built that enables access to learning tools written in langauges other than Java.

A means must be provided to signal timeout or allow the user to indicate completion, based on data contained in the activity. A "time remaining" counter may be optionally provided if the activity will timeout.

System Requirements

Tools shall use the name URL conventions as the portal it is running in.

Tools are required to be registered as Sakai tools with a category of "ld-tool".

Tools are required to implement the Sakai security system and maintain good system security.